The Clean Power Asia program was a $16.3 million contract, implemented by Abt Associates, which worked with Lower Mekong countries and other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states to encourage power sector investments in environmentally friendly, grid-connected renewable energy (RE) sources. The program focused explicitly on incorporating renewable energy into planning, promoting smart incentives, building an enabling environment for renewable energy policies and frameworks, and mobilizing finance.The program provided technical assistance and capacity building to select countries driven by their needs and interests, with lessons learned sharedregionally to ensure broader implementation and harmonization of policies and regulations to increase RE in the generation mix, including incentives, power procurement practices, and technical standards for utility-scale, customer, andadvanced technologies. This was complemented by technical assistance and capacity building to improve project bankability and access to finance to facilitate private investment in renewable power.
USAID Clean Power Asia contributed to the proposal, adoption, and/or implementation of 16 new policies and regulations across target countries. In total, over $7 billion of investment was
mobilized in renewable energy, resulting from the installation of more than 9,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy.capacity. Based on these policies and installed RE projects, USAID Clean Power Asia contributed to preventing over 93 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions from being released into the air over the next 15 years.