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USAID SINAR builds upon the longstanding commitment and partnership between the U.S. Government and the Government of Indonesia in climate change mitigation in the energy sector. Through SINAR, USAID will help national and subnational governments, state-owned energy utilities, businesses, financial institutions (such as banks), universities, and other key players to :
Collectively, these efforts will help Indonesia meet its ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency targets while driving energy transformation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. USAID SINAR works at the national level, while simultaneously engaging local governments in selected provinces to align national and sub-national plans and programs.
In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Thailand committed to reducing 20-25% of emissions from the energy, transport, waste and industry sectors by 2030 below business as usual
Main activities under TGCP-Energy are:
The overall objective of ASEP is to assist the Government of the Philippines in expanding its sustainable energy generation to meet the growing needs of its economy, and provide energy access to the poor and marginalized sector in accordance with the Philippine Development Plan. The Government of the Philippines is working on the following energy objectives:
USAID Clean Power Asia’s goal was to accelerate the regional transition to a high performing, low carbon power sector, that was to be accomplished with three interconnected outcomes: high renewable energy scenarios included in energy planning; improved enabling policy, regulatory, and technical environment for renewable energy deployment; and increased investment in and deployment of grid-connected renewable energy projects.