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Showing 1-10 of 21 Export Projects export Click here to download the selected projects in excel format. You may adapt the selection by applying the filters on the left. Show Sort by

Biomass Gasification Technology – Sustainable Energy Solution for Agri-Food Processing and Waste Management in Rural Areas of Vietnam” : VCBG manual

The project targets to promote sustainable agri-food processing and contribute to enhancing waste management in Vietnam by facilitating the adoption of volumetric continuous biomass gasification (VCBG) technology as renewable energy among agri-MSEs through supporting 2,500 agri-MSEs to adopt VCBG, 100 mechanical enterprises and 400 biomass supply businesses to join the market by providing services to MSEs in four provinces.

January 2024 - December 2024
Energy Efficiency for Ho Chi Minh City Water Supply Project

The project will help to improve energy efficiency and reduce the water and carbon footprint of the Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO), which is in charge of the water supply in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). The project will lead to greenhouse gas abatement by reducing the amount of energy and water required to deliver a unit of water to end users. The project will finance consulting services and investment components for energy efficiency.

December 2023 - December 2024
Coal Phasing Out Roadmap for Vietnam by 2050

At COP26, Vietnam pledged to a net-zero target to reach carbon neutral emissions by 2050 and signed the Global Coal to Clean Power Transition Statement. The country commits to end all new investment in coal power generation, scale up clean power generation, and phase out coal power by the 2040s. In this context, the World Bank is expected to support the MOIT to develop a road map to phaseout coal-fired power plants suitable to Vietnam's conditions and resources. Hence the Bank is seeking a consulting firm (the Consultant) with excellent experience in Vietnam’s power sector and coal-fired power to conduct the assignment. The assignment will consist of the following contents:i. Vietnam’s power system and international best practices on coal phasing-outii. Power development scenarios and transition pathways consist of the analysis on power system, technologies, expected GHG reduction, socio-environmental issues, economic cost & benefits and legal aspects in relation to coal power phasing-out or repurposing. iii. Proposing a coal phasing out roadmap. iv. Public consultation and stakeholder engagement.

The WBG reserves the right to publicly disclose contract award information, including but not limited to, name of company receiving the award, brief description of services, and contract award amount, for any contract award valued over US$250,000. Offeror's proposal and contractual documents will remain confidential and therefore not subject to disclosure.

The World Bank reserves the right to reject any or all responses without recourse.

January 2023 - December 2024
EU - Viet Nam Sutainable Energy Transition Programme (SETP)

This is one of the four comlementary measures supporting the above SETP budget support programme. The EVSET Facility will contribute to the SETP objectives of (i) improved energy efficiency; (ii) a larger share of renewable energy in the energy mix; and (iii) improved performance of the Viet Nam Energy Information System. Its purposes are: 
• Purpose 1: provide high level demand-driven technical assistance and capacity development in areas of, but not limited to, technology and knowledge transfer through cooperation on areas like research, higher education and R&D for renewable energy and energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy efficiency policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, norms and technical standards, power market analysis, energy governance, energy information systems, energy budgeting and planning. 
• Purpose 2: provide support to the operation of the VEPG.
• Purpose 3: support monitoring and implementation of the budget support component of the SETP. 
• Purpose 4: support communication and visibility of the whole EU - Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme and Team Europe support to the energy sector in Viet Nam.

January 2022 - December 2027
SHIFT - Shifting Investment Flows Towards Green Transformation - scoping mission

From venture capital supporting climate and nature tech solutions, to banks funding major renewables projects, we want our world-leading financial services sector to drive every step of the global transition

January 2022 - January 2023
Climate Innovation and Development Fund

The Climate Innovation and Development Fund (CIDF) is a $25 million, ADB-managed concessional financing fund established with grant commitments from Bloomberg Philanthropies and Goldman Sachs. CIDF has been designed to support climate mitigation and adaptation projects in India and Viet Nam. ADB will deploy funds as grants into its non-sovereign operations to support innovative and high impact climate projects. By offering concessional finance to de-risk projects, the fund aims to leverage up to $500 million in additional financing for private sector innovation in areas such as conventional and non-conventional renewable power generation, sustainable transport, climate-smart urban solutions, grid optimization technology, agriculture and land use, and green manufacturing and construction.

January 2022 - December 2026
Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB)

The project has the following objectives : 1. Transform the buildings sector by promoting sustainable building design and construction. 2. Lower the energy demand in buildings in a cost-effective manner and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum level 3. Leverage untapped social, ecological and economic benefits

January 2021 - January 2025
Vietnam Solar Transition Accelerator (VISTA) (Procurement Regulation)

The objective of the Project is to support the Recipient in piloting the implementation of a sustainable solar competitive bidding program to mobilize private investments.The Project consists of the following parts:

Part 1: Transaction Support for IPP Selection under Substation-Based Competitive Bidding : Provision of transaction advisory services for preparing and implementing a pilot substation-based competitive bidding process for the selection of IPP(s) for approximately 500 MW.

Part 2: Transaction Support for IPP Selection under Solar Park Competitive Bidding : Provision of transaction advisory services for preparing and implementing a pilot solar park competitive bidding process for the selection of IPP(s) for approximately 500 MW.

Part 3: Capacity Building : Provision of support to strengthen the capacity of MoIT, local authorities, EVN and other relevant agencies for Project implementation and management, and capacity building for conducting competitive selection processes.

Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018) (Procurement Regulations), and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

January 2021 - March 2025
Opportunities to Accelerate Coal to Clean Power Transition in Selected Southeast Asian Developing Member Countries

Pre-feasibility study on accelerated coal power retirement in targeted DMCs completed.

Terms of reference and scope of full feasibility study for a pilot CRF prepared

January 2021 - December 2021
Green credit line to the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)

The main objective of this project is to attract investments in the renewable energy and energy effciency sectors in Vietnam

January 2020 - January 2022