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ETAF Platform

Bloomberg Philanthropies and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) announced a new COP28 partnership. This partnership aims to accelerate the deployment of clean energy and mobilize capital in emerging markets and developing economies. Bloomberg Philanthropies’ support will enable IRENA to advance efforts to drive the widespread adoption of renewable energy and reduce political, technical, and financial barriers to the energy transition by building capacities in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America, strengthening project finance and preparation through the Energy Transition Accelerator Financing (ETAF) Platform , and facilitating private capital mobilization.

February 2023 - December 2030
Thai-German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate (TGC EMC)

Key actors in Thailand become empowered in the planning and implementation of transformative activities in the energy, transport and industry sectors in line with the Government’s 2050 carbon neutrality objective.

January 2023 - December 2027
Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET)

The project IKI JET aims at supporting and accelerating just energy transitions (JET) away from coal to renewable energy and other sustainable economic activities in the Global South, contributing to a reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.

April 2022 - July 2026
Southeast Asia Clean Energy Facility (SEACEF)

SEACEF is a capital facility established to provide catalytic capital and development support to early-stage clean energy projects and businesses in a market-responsive manner in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. SEACEF was incubated through generous support of the European Climate Foundation. To date, SEACEF has invested in one regional project (Skye Renewables), 3 projects in Indonesia (Synergy Efficiency Solutions, Oyika, Xurya), 1 project in the Philippines (Real Wind Energy Inc., 4 projects in Vietnam (Blueleaf Energy, Eboost, Stride, Levanta Renewables).

January 2022 - January 2024
Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition Project

Capacities of coal regions in the global south to develop and implement JET plans are strengthened through policy dialogues, peer to peer learning and targeted support.

January 2022 - December 2026
International Hydrogen Ramp-Up Programme (H2Uppp)

H2Uppp promotes green H2/ PtX projects in developing and emerging (ODA) countries with the main objective to further develop markets for green H2/ PtX technologies through on-site cooperation. With the expertise from German and European companies, the programme will provide market expertise for green H2 in relevant sectors, mobilising company networks, provision of know-how for market exploration and market entry. The overall goal of the project is to support the development of H2/ PtX markets, strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of the private sector in related industries and to enable knowledge transfer around green H2/ PtX to private and public sector stakeholders in the region.

January 2022 - December 2026
Thai-German Energy Dialogue (TGED)

In a collaborative approach, decarbonization is being driven forward in the partner countries and Germany as well as strengthen the energy supply.

January 2022 - December 2024
Offshore Wind Regulatory Framework Advice

This project is part of the bigger Philippines Policy-based Loan Climate Change Program to support ERC in designing a regulatory framework to support a new and high-potential RE source in the Philippines to:
·    Assess cost recovery methodologies.
·    Suggest grid connection and reinforcement cost allocation.
·    Design grid connection and grid code standards

January 2022 - December 2023
ClimateWorks Foundation Transportation Program

The Transportation Program advances a sustainable, affordable, and low-carbon mobility system. The program includes aviation, road transportation, and marine shipping initiatives. A total grant of $62.5 million was awarded to low emission mobility projects. Through the Transportation Program, funding has been extended to organizations like Green ID in Vietnam, the World Resources Institute, and C40 Cities to facilitate the implementation of initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation solutions in Southeast Asia.

January 2022 - December 2025
Global Energy Transition Initiative

The Global Energy Transition initiative supports efforts to rapidly transform the global power sector toward clean energy, beginning with 10 emerging economies across Africa, Asia, and South America. These are countries where power demand is projected to rapidly grow and there is huge potential for solar, wind, and other renewable energy deployment in this decade. The initiative also supports efforts in Japan, Australia, and South Korea to accelerate the coal to clean energy transition, reduce emissions, and achieve a 1.5-degree pathway. The benefits of a transition to clean energy go far beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. It creates jobs, builds local manufacturing value chains, improves infrastructure, protects public health by keeping pollutants out of the air, and provides affordable and accessible power. By shifting to clean energy, developing nations can secure a resilient and thriving future.

January 2022 - December 2026