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Pre-feasibility study on accelerated coal power retirement in targeted DMCs completed.
Terms of reference and scope of full feasibility study for a pilot CRF prepared
The USAID V-LEEP II aims to advance the transition of Vietnam to a clean, secure, and market-based energy sector by increasing the deployment of advanced energy systems, improving energy sector performance, and increasing competition in the energy sector.
USAID Clean Power Asia’s goal was to accelerate the regional transition to a high performing, low carbon power sector, that was to be accomplished with three interconnected outcomes: high renewable energy scenarios included in energy planning; improved enabling policy, regulatory, and technical environment for renewable energy deployment; and increased investment in and deployment of grid-connected renewable energy projects.
Support the establishment and start-up of the VietNam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) between Development Partners and MOIT
Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Technical Working Groups (3) working on updating building standards and alignment with green building code.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP) helps the Government of Vietnam (GVN) establish an effective policy, regulatory, and incentive environment for low-emission growth in the energy sector, while simultaneously attracting public-sector and private-sector investment in renewable energy (RE) development and energy efficiency (EE). V-LEEP promotes the development of critical building blocks to scale up clean energy, such as accessible smart incentives for clean energy and EE investments, enabling a competitive environment for RE generation, enhancing renewable power grid integration, and ensuring locational concentration of clean energy generation facilities. Three components from V-LEEP core actvities: (i) Low Emission Strategy Development fr the Energy Sector (ii) Enance Capacity and Improve Enabling Environment for Renewable Energy Development (iii) Increase Energy Efficiency Adoption and Compliance