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In a collaborative approach, decarbonization is being driven forward in the partner countries and Germany as well as strengthen the energy supply.
This project produces a report that identifies a set of minimum political, technical and institutional requirements that the ASEAN member states will need to meet in order to establish multilateral power trading in the region. Some of these minimum requirements can be met by building upon existing efforts in the region.
In support of the development of the ASEAN Power Grid (APG), the IEA has undertaken a quantitative assessment of the impact of regional power system integration in ASEAN to accommodate the growing share of variable renewable energy (VRE), which consists of solar and wind generation. The analysis explores the impact of multilateral power trading (MPT) and expanded cross-border interconnectors as well as the value of flexibility resources for the APG from economic, operational, environmental, and policy-related perspectives.
The LEECP Guidebook is designed to assist LGUs in developing their LEECP as mandated by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act of the Philippines. The guidebook will institutionalize energy efficiency and integrate it into the sustainable local development agenda of each LGU in the country.
The Energy Virtual One-Stop Shop (EVOSS) system is a web-based filing and monitoring system for energy related applications and a repository of information and permits issued for energy projects, which is shared by all agencies and entities involved in the approval process. Further, the system promotes transparency and accountability among the agencies. Through the system, regulators and stakeholders can work together by providing assistance to promote ease of doing business in the energy sector.
This project aims to improve peak load supply and the electricity system stability, reinforcing its availability to integrate more renewable energy. It will also contribute to replacing the fossil production (estimated at 220GWh/year) and avoid 68 kt of greenhouse gases emission per year.
The programme objective is Vietnam develops low carbon pathways related to energy in support of their NDC and Vietnam upscales NDC mitigation targets and related measures by 2020.
This survey comprehensively collects information necessary for examining the direction of medium- to long-term assistance for Vietnam in the power sector. In particular, it will consolidate and prioritize possible support measures from the perspectives of private sector partnerships such as overseas investment and loans, ODA loans, and technical assistance. In addition, it aims to examine the details of cooperation programs for which assistance can be provided in the short term. Main outcomes are following : 1. To analyze the current status of power & energy sector 2. To analyze the issues caused by RE development 3. To identify and prioritize JICA’s future cooperation
Capitalizing on global experience with coal phase-out programs, establishment of the Just Coal Transition Forum (the Forum) will support energy transition in the coal regions in Southeast Asia. 6 Ensuring adherence to the global guidelines and principles on Just Transition, 7 the Forum will deliver coordination services, facilitate strategies and transition projects, and coordinate technical assistance to design bespoke policies and build institutional governance and implementation capacities in Southeast Asia. It will: a. create and coordinate knowledge, generate, collate, and disseminate good practices and facilitate learning to strengthen understanding and ability to respond to core transition issues among the stakeholders and between the stakeholder communities and the development agencies and regional partnerships, offering support and investment financing, b. support policy analysis and market intelligence to underpin transition strategies and projects, c. build institutional implementation capacity and governance for strategies and projects, facilitate dialogue among workers, employers and governments and other stakeholders, d. facilitate access to finance for investors into the energy transition and green growth, e. create a line-of-sight between development agencies, financiers, and regional partnerships – and coal regions, facilitating the flow of investments and financial solutions and facilitate support to the coal regions, through project preparation and/or implementation; and f. provide a forum for the many economic, social, and environmental support programs and projects required to be implemented locally across a