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With develoPPP, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) promotes private-sector activities where entrepreneurial opportunities and development policy potential meet. Companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing and emerging country and expand their local operations can receive financial and technical support under the programme.

January 2020 - January 2023
Regional: Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition in Southeast Asia

The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the countries of Southeast Asia (SEA) to transition to a cleaner energy future. While this transition is already underway in some countries, the pace of the transformation needs to be accelerated across the region to avert a development path inconsistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. This transition needs to be just and inclusive, ensuring affordable, reliable, and equitable access to energy services. The proposed TA will assist SEA countries with a comprehensive package of solutions that will include: (i) the preparation of sectoral and country-specific assessments; (ii) the development of new business models, feasibility reports, and other technical studies; (iii) the conduct of workshops and policy dialogues; and (iv) the development of project investment pipelines to be financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other development partners.

January 2021 - December 2024
Southeast Asia Energy Sector Development, Investment Planning and Capacity Building Facility - Phase 2

The regional transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will support clean energy projects for 
(i) project feasibility and due diligence
(ii) capacity development and implementation support
(iii) cross-departmental green energy project pipeline development. 
For (i), the facility will conduct project preparation activities for the Grid Reinforcement Project with Additional Financing (Cambodia), Climate Change Policy Program (Philippines), and Power Grid Strengthening Project (Timor-Leste). 
For (ii), project implementation support will be provided for
Sustainable and Reliable Energy Access Program (Indonesia) and Sustainable Energy TransitionDAMRI E-bus Project (Indonesia). For (iii), the TA facility will develop a pipeline of green energy projects for investment under the One-ADB framework, involving collaboration among the Energy
Division (SEEN) and the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division of the Southeast Asia Department, Office of Public-Private
Partnership (OPPP), and Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD)

January 2018 - December 2023
Southeast Asia Energy Sector Development, Investment Planning and Capacity Building Facility - Phase 1

The proposed transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will provide project preparatory assistance, technical support, policy advice, knowledge sharing, and capacity building, and subsequently, strengthen due diligence and improve project readiness to Southeast Asian developing member countries (DMCs) for a series of lending projects and programs identified in the country operations business plans, 2018-2020.The TA will initially support (i) Support for a Sustainable Power Sector (Cambodia), (ii) Accelerating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Expansion (Viet Nam), (iii) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Activity in the Natural Gas Processing Sector (Indonesia); (iv) Geothermal Sector Project (Indonesia), (v) Power Network Development Program II (Myanmar), (vi) GMS Cross-Border Power Trade and Distribution Project (Lao PDR); and (vii) Sustainable Rural Power Supply Project (Philippines). These energy sector projects require similar preparation, due diligence, design and readiness activities. The transaction TA facility will encompass individual TAs listed in the Southeast Asia region's Country Operations Business Plans (COBP) 2018-2020.


January 2018 - December 2021
Regional : Harmonizing the GMS Power Systems to facilitate Regional Power Trade

Subregional Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) power trade based on interconnected electric power networks will provide long-term economic and environmental benefits for individual countries and the entire GMS subregion. Such trade will enable members to 
(i) reduce national investments in the power reserves maintained to meet peak demand
(ii) provide a more reliable supply of electricity, including power supply from an interconnected network in case of power failure 
(iii) reduce operational costs
(iv) reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants 
(v) increase consumers' access to the cheapest and most environmentally sustainable source of electricity in the subregion.

December 2014 - February 2022
Integrated Resource Planning with Strategic Environmental Assessment for Sustainable Power Sector Development in the Greater Mekong

Based on the recommendations and lesson learnt of previous RETAs, the proposed RETA is designed to 
(i) enhance the GMS countries' capacity in applying IRP with SEA in their PDPs
(ii) improve regulations, policies, programs and/or targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency as necessary and as validated through the IRP
(iii) support the cross-border interconnections as necessary and as validated through the IRP. 
The RETA will particularly focus on Viet Nam as the country has greater potential for mitigating climate change impacts. The RETA outputs will be also disseminated through RPTCC meetings, which are organized twice a year. The TA activities will be closely coordinated with the GMS Environment Operations Center (EOC)'s Core Environment Program (CEP), which has provided assistance on the SEA for power development planning in Viet Nam.

January 2017 - December 2022
Power Sector Reform Program

The TA will assist Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) in preparing relevant guidelines, roadmaps, and regulations for 
(i) a competitive market operation related to contract arrangement andpridential requirements under the Vietnam wholesale electricity market (VWEM)  
(ii) a mechanism ensuring long-term adequate supply which can replace, improve, or complement the curret mechaism through power development planning (PDP) and build-operate-transfer (BOT) 

January 2015 - December 2023
Low Carbon Development (SFF LCD)

The SFF LCD is intended to contribute to better cooperation between national and subnational level, in order to support the Indonesian government’s commitment to a long term climate friendly and low emission development and successful implementation the NDC and SDG.?

September 2020 - December 2021
Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition Project

Capacities of coal regions in the global south to develop and implement JET plans are strengthened through policy dialogues, peer to peer learning and targeted support.

January 2022 - December 2026
Support to the Philippines in Shaping and Implementing the International Climate Change Regime (SupportCCC II)

SupportCCC II strengthens the Climate Change Commission and other key actors in implementing and coordinating the national climate change regime as well as developing and operationalizing national contributions to the international climate change regime.

September 2015 - September 2022