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Bilateral climate, energy and hydrogen partnerships, and energy dialogues are the central instruments of the foreign energy policy of BMWK. They form a global, steadily growing and valuable network between Germany and countries that are seeking to transform their energy systems, facilitate energy policy exchange at government level, provide momentum for innovations and economic cooperation on the path to a global energy transition.
The TEV project aims to foster the development of a long-term political energy transition strategy, including legal and regulatory fundamentals, and the transfer of technological knowledge for a low-carbon, environmentally friendly energy transition.
The project IKI JET aims at supporting and accelerating just energy transitions (JET) away from coal to renewable energy and other sustainable economic activities in the Global South, contributing to a reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
This is one of the four comlementary measures supporting the above SETP budget support programme. The EVSET Facility will contribute to the SETP objectives of (i) improved energy efficiency; (ii) a larger share of renewable energy in the energy mix; and (iii) improved performance of the Viet Nam Energy Information System. Its purposes are: • Purpose 1: provide high level demand-driven technical assistance and capacity development in areas of, but not limited to, technology and knowledge transfer through cooperation on areas like research, higher education and R&D for renewable energy and energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy efficiency policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, norms and technical standards, power market analysis, energy governance, energy information systems, energy budgeting and planning. • Purpose 2: provide support to the operation of the VEPG. • Purpose 3: support monitoring and implementation of the budget support component of the SETP. • Purpose 4: support communication and visibility of the whole EU - Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme and Team Europe support to the energy sector in Viet Nam.
The UN's Energy Transition Partnership brings together funders, philanthropies, and governments in Southeast Asia to accelerate a transition to greener economies. The IKEA Foundation is supporting this work in Indonesia due to the nation's significant reliance on fossil fuels. The grant provided amounts to Euro 1.82 million.
This paper is an update of a 2017 publication written for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) in Viet Nam on a Socially Just Energy Transition in Viet Nam. This energy transition must deliver a large part of Viet Nam’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation, provide access to clean energy for all, and create opportunities for decent jobs and micro-businesses for the rural poor, women and ethnic minorities.
Approach to Transformational Change: The project “Philippines – Decarbonisation of Electricity Generation on Philippine Islands – Using Tidal Stream and Solar PV”, will provide both funding (via the financial cooperation (FC) component) and advisory support (via the technical cooperation (TC) component). The FC component will offer long-term concessional loans, rendering the TSE hybrid system investment project viable. The TC component will support the local government in adjusting regulations applicable for TSE, and in the standardisation of processes while supporting the review of existing power supply agreements. The expected impact of this project is that small island grid operators will be able to substitute fossil fuel-based electricity generation through TSE hybrid systems via replicable sustainable private investment projects. These projects will install 50 MW of TSE hybrid systems, and around 100 MWh battery storage in off-grid islands in the Philippines during the lifespan of the project. Additionally, the project expects to catalyse the market for privately financed TSE hybrid investment projects by making financing sources accessible, supporting the establishment of favourable regulatory conditions. Through the long-term concessional loans to be provided by the project, over EUR 160 million are expected to be leveraged from the public and private sectors.
A $30 million grant has been allocated to bolster regional investment structures (ETP, Tara & CEF) and empower the local climate community in the region to expedite the transition to clean energy through a strategy centered on local engagement.
This technical project is part of Philippines-based Loan Climate Change Program. This project will further develop ADB’s works in developing new ancillary services wholesale and contractual markets to strengthen the grid, as among the climate mitigation priorities.
Buildings and space cooling is the main driver for the growing future electricity demand and rising GHG emissions in Asia. The project addresses regulatory, capacity and financing gaps that prevent large scale adoption of low carbon buildings. The project will develop technical and institutional capacity for city/state governments. To transform existing and new buildings towards carbon neutrality by 2050, the project will focus on enhancing capacity to achieve regional and national ambition and targets for low carbon buildings, with policy recommendations. It will establish common metrics (taxonomy/MRV system) and central registry for certified buildings. Through building certification and business model innovation, the project will try to mobilize public and private finance. To raise awareness and promote replication locally and globally, the project will share best practises and showcase successes.