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Regional: Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition in Southeast Asia

The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the countries of Southeast Asia (SEA) to transition to a cleaner energy future. While this transition is already underway in some countries, the pace of the transformation needs to be accelerated across the region to avert a development path inconsistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. This transition needs to be just and inclusive, ensuring affordable, reliable, and equitable access to energy services. The proposed TA will assist SEA countries with a comprehensive package of solutions that will include: (i) the preparation of sectoral and country-specific assessments; (ii) the development of new business models, feasibility reports, and other technical studies; (iii) the conduct of workshops and policy dialogues; and (iv) the development of project investment pipelines to be financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other development partners.

January 2021 - December 2024
Support for Innovation and Technology Partnerships in Asia and the Pacific

HLT includes new and advanced technologies or innovative solutions that can reduce the life cycle cost of infrastructure, lower operation and maintenance cost, and increase durability. Modern and advanced equipment can improve efficiency and productivity, thereby saving resources. The adoption of innovative construction methods and technologies can minimize negative environmental and social impacts. Innovative approaches and a combination of different technologies can also improve the delivery of social services. The TA cluster will create a platform for novel engagement with technology providers to enable HLT adoptions in collaboration with DMC agencies. The TA cluster will build the capacity of DMC counterparts to design projects with HLT applications, understand the HLT market in specific sectors, assess HLT ecosystem readiness and leverage ADB's sector, thematic and DMC specific knowledge.

October 2018 - December 2022
Southeast Asia Energy Sector Development, Investment Planning and Capacity Building Facility - Phase 2

The regional transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will support clean energy projects for 
(i) project feasibility and due diligence
(ii) capacity development and implementation support
(iii) cross-departmental green energy project pipeline development. 
For (i), the facility will conduct project preparation activities for the Grid Reinforcement Project with Additional Financing (Cambodia), Climate Change Policy Program (Philippines), and Power Grid Strengthening Project (Timor-Leste). 
For (ii), project implementation support will be provided for
Sustainable and Reliable Energy Access Program (Indonesia) and Sustainable Energy TransitionDAMRI E-bus Project (Indonesia). For (iii), the TA facility will develop a pipeline of green energy projects for investment under the One-ADB framework, involving collaboration among the Energy
Division (SEEN) and the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division of the Southeast Asia Department, Office of Public-Private
Partnership (OPPP), and Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD)

January 2018 - December 2023
USAID Clean Power Asia

USAID Clean Power Asia’s goal was to accelerate the regional transition to a high performing, low carbon power sector, that was to be accomplished with three interconnected outcomes: high renewable energy scenarios included in energy planning; improved enabling policy, regulatory, and technical environment for renewable energy deployment; and increased investment in and deployment of grid-connected renewable energy projects.

June 2016 - June 2021
Project Development Programme (PDP) within the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) (Phase IV)

The Project Development Programme (PDP) assists German companies which are seeking to enter emerging and developing countries. The markets there are dynamic and very promising but they also present companies with new challenges, such as political instability, difficult access to finance or a shortage of skilled professionals.

GIZ runs the PDP as part of the  German Energy Solutions Initiative on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The activities are currently concentrated in 16 countries in South-East Asia, south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.

January 2015 - December 2023
ASEAN-German Energy Programme (AGEP)

Jointly implemented by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and GIZ on behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), AGEP aims to support the ASEAN Member States in improving regional coordination for the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency towards sustainable energy for all.

January 2005 - June 2022