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Accelerating Air Conditioning Transformation through Enhanced Energy Performance Standards (ACT MEPS)

Building on existing minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) guidance of ASEAN countries, the ACT MEPS project aims to institutionalize regional MEPS into national contexts to ensure regular updates, enhance coordination with the industry, as well as drive the uptake of energy efficient and low global warning potential air conditions (AC). The scope includes ACs with a capacity up to 100.000 btu/h (single, split type, and multi-split units).

August 2023 - February 2026
Energy Partnership (EP)

Bilateral climate, energy and hydrogen partnerships, and energy dialogues are the central instruments of the foreign energy policy of BMWK. They form a global, steadily growing and valuable network between Germany and countries that are seeking to transform their energy systems, facilitate energy policy exchange at government level, provide momentum for innovations and economic cooperation on the path to a global energy transition.

September 2024 - December 2024
Accelerating Air Conditioning Transformation through Enhanced Energy Performance Standards (ACT MEPS)

Standards and labelling (S&L) frameworks play a key role in advancing energy efficiency of cooling appliances. Building on existing Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) guidance of ASEAN countries, the ACT MEPS project aims to institutionalize regional MEPS into national contexts to ensure regular updates, enhance coordination with the industry, as well as drive the uptake of energy efficient and low global warning potential air conditioners (AC). The scope includes ACs with a capacity up to 100.000 btu/h (single, split type, and multi-split units).

August 2023 - February 2026
Promoting the Transition of the Energy Sector in Viet Nam (TEV).

The TEV project aims to foster the development of a long-term political energy transition strategy, including legal and regulatory fundamentals, and the transfer of technological knowledge for a low-carbon, environmentally friendly energy transition.

July 2022 - June 2025
ASEAN Standardization Harmonization Initiative for Efficiency (SHINE)

ASEAN SHINE, the Best and Effective Platform for EE Initiative in ASEAN, is a public-private partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) and the International Copper Association (ICA). It is in direct support of the United for Efficiency (U4E) Initiative which is a global effort supporting developing countries and emerging economies to move their markets to energy efficient appliances and equipment under the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) energy efficiency goal. 

January 2019 - December 2022
Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Air Conditioning Efficiency

The project aims to support Vietnam in its implementation of a national policy roadmap for air conditioners. Through the Lower Mekong Initiative and the ASEAN Standardization Harmonization Initiative for Efficiency (SHINE) program, this project will build on the existing ASEAN Regional Policy Roadmap and the Vietnam National Roadmap by assisting Vietnam in implementing higher minimum energy performance standards for air conditioning and encouraging enforcement of those standards.

January 2017 - December 2022
Vietnam Energy Efficiency for Industrial Enterprises (VEEIE)

The objective of the Energy Efficiency for Industrial Enterprises (VEEIE) for Vietnam is to improve energy efficiency in Vietnam's industrial sector. The project has 2 components. 
(1) Energy Efficiency Investment Lending component consists of an Energy Efficiency lending program. An Operational Manual (OM) was developed, which outlines selection criteria for sub-borrowers and subprojects, appraisal procedures, roles, and responsibilities of the Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) and the government, the PFIs’ internal institutional arrangement for project implementation, technical evaluation, environmental and social assessment, procurement, and financial management frameworks that are consistent with the Bank and the Vietnamese government rules and procedures.
(2) Project Implementation Support component will provide technical assistance and capacity building support to the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Project monitoring and supervision, including audits of project activities and safeguards implementation.

January 2018 - December 2022
Da Nang Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program

The Da Nang Department of Industry and Trade has initiated this program to promote energy efficiency and conservation in the city. It involves raising awareness, providing training, and offering financial incentives for businesses and households to adopt energy-efficient practices and technologies.

January 2017 - December 2021
Vietnam HCFC Phaseout Project Stage II

The development objective of the Second Stage of the Hydro Chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-Out Project for Vietnam is to reduce HCFC consumption in order to assist Vietnam meet its HCFC phase-out obligations under the Montreal protocol, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions arising from the replacement of these HCFCs. The project comprises of three components. The first component is HCFC consumption reduction. The second component, technical assistance (TA) and policy actions aims to support sector-wide technology and knowledge transfer, TA, and exchange of best practices, as well as to create a policy and market environment that will enable and sustain sector transformation. The third component, project management will finance the project management unit (PMU) staff including one project coordinator, two project officers, one procurement officer, one accountant cum administrative officer, project launch and completion workshops, financial audits, public awareness activities, and incremental operating cost (of the PMU).

January 2019 - December 2023
ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Study Phase III Part of the USAID Clean Power Asia Project

The project focuses on enhancing energy security, increasing efficiency, and facilitating the integration of renewable energy resources within the region. The primary objective of the AIMS project is to establish a robust and interconnected power grid among ASEAN member countries. The project aims to facilitate the exchange of electricity across borders, promote power trade, optimize energy resources, and enhance the overall reliability and resilience of the ASEAN power systems.

January 2020 - December 2021