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Showing 1-10 of 27 Export Projects export Click here to download the selected projects in excel format. You may adapt the selection by applying the filters on the left. Show Sort by

Distributed Energy Storage Solutions Project

The project will contribute to regional progress in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7: expanding universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services by 2030. Through the adoption of clean energy by more service providers like telecom operators and implementation of modern rural electrification projects, sustainable and distributed energy solutions will enhance quality of life and drive increased economic activity across the region. The project will play a pioneering role in demonstrating the commercial viability of distributed energy storage in the Asia and Pacific region, encouraging widespread investment in energy storage and renewable energy across ADB DMCs.

December 2023 - December 2024
Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET)

The project IKI JET aims at supporting and accelerating just energy transitions (JET) away from coal to renewable energy and other sustainable economic activities in the Global South, contributing to a reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.

April 2022 - July 2026
Electrification through Renewable Resources- ELREN

The project aims to institutionalise knowledge on off-grid electrification using renewable energy in Indonesia.

January 2022 - January 2027
Just Coal Transition Forum

Capitalizing on global experience with coal phase-out programs,
establishment of the Just Coal Transition Forum (the Forum) will support
energy transition in the coal regions in Southeast Asia.
6 Ensuring adherence
to the global guidelines and principles on Just Transition,
the Forum will deliver
coordination services, facilitate strategies and transition projects, and coordinate
technical assistance to design bespoke policies and build institutional governance
and implementation capacities in Southeast Asia. It will:
a. create and coordinate knowledge, generate, collate, and disseminate
good practices and facilitate learning to strengthen understanding and
ability to respond to core transition issues among the stakeholders and
between the stakeholder communities and the development agencies and
regional partnerships, offering support and investment financing,
b. support policy analysis and market intelligence to underpin transition
strategies and projects,
c. build institutional implementation capacity and governance for
strategies and projects, facilitate dialogue among workers, employers and
governments and other stakeholders,
d. facilitate access to finance for investors into the energy transition and
green growth,
e. create a line-of-sight between development agencies, financiers, and
regional partnerships – and coal regions, facilitating the flow of
investments and financial solutions and facilitate support to the coal
regions, through project preparation and/or implementation; and
f. provide a forum for the many economic, social, and environmental support
programs and projects required to be implemented locally across a

January 2022 - December 2025
Climate, Environment, Energy and Disaster Risk Reduction (CEED) for Children I Indonesia 2022-2025

Our new Strategic Plan recognizes that climate change and environmental degradation are existential threats to a child’s ability to survive, grow, and thrive and that all levers of the organization need to
work together in a coordinated fashion. The new SP draws stronger links between responses to climate change with disaster risk reduction as children increasingly need holistic solutions that address both sudden-onset impacts of disasters, including those that are exacerbated by climate change — such as hurricanes and floods — and resilient solutions that promote climate-smart development for the long-term. The new SP activates all of UNICEF’s levers of impact on these
issues - our global programmes, our advocacy and communications infrastructure and our own operations and supply chain.

January 2022 - December 2025
Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition Project

Capacities of coal regions in the global south to develop and implement JET plans are strengthened through policy dialogues, peer to peer learning and targeted support.

January 2022 - December 2026
Innovation and Investment for Inclusive Sustainable Economic Development (ISED II) Project?

The main objective of ISED II is to improve the preconditions for green employment in the energy sector. 

July 2021 - June 2024
Sustainable Energy for Indonesia’s Advancing Resilience (SINAR)

USAID SINAR  builds upon the longstanding commitment and partnership between the U.S. Government and the Government of Indonesia in climate change mitigation in the energy sector. Through SINAR, USAID will help national and subnational governments, state-owned energy utilities, businesses, financial institutions (such as banks), universities, and other key players to :

  • Accelerate the deployment of advanced energy systems;
  • Improve the performance of energy utilities;
  • Advocate for transparent and best value procurement, and
  • Strengthen the institutional frameworks and capacity for energy sector transformation.


Collectively, these efforts will help Indonesia meet its ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency targets while driving energy transformation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. USAID SINAR works at the national level, while simultaneously engaging local governments in selected provinces to align national and sub-national plans and programs.

January 2021 - December 2026
Sustainable Energy for Indonesia's Advancing Resilience (SINAR)

Through SINAR, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supports Indonesia’s goal to expand reliable and equitable energy services to advance sustainable development and inclusive economic growth. USAID SINAR builds upon the longstanding commitment and partnership between the U.S. Government and the Government of Indonesia in climate change mitigation in the energy sector. Through SINAR, USAID will help national and subnational governments, state-owned energy utilities, businesses, financial institutions (such as banks), universities, and other key players to (1) accelerate the deployment of advanced energy systems, (2) improve the performance of energy utilities, (3) advocate for transparent and best value procurement, and (4) strengthen the institutional frameworks and capacity for energy sector transformation. Collectively, these efforts will help Indonesia meet its ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency targets while driving energy transformation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. USAID SINAR works at the national level, while simultaneously engaging local governments in selected provinces to align national and sub-national plans and programs.


January 2021 - December 2026