Under the BMZ-funded second phase of the 4E Project, further development of RE and EE is focused on strengthening the legal framework for RE and EE as well as enhancing the human capacity of the related active stakeholders. The second phase of 4E includes a co-financing component with the EU “Technical Assistance (TA) for the Implementation of the EU-Vietnam Energy Facility” (in short: TA for EVEF), which thematically reinforces and complements 4E BMZ component’s fields of action. The EVEF is aimed at supporting the Ministry of Industry and Trade and non-Ministry institutions in the energy sector with technical assistance focusing on regulatory framework improvement, strengthening technical and methodological capacities in RE, EE, energy access and energy data and statistics.
GIZ supports Vietnamese authorities in the management of protected areas and sustainable forests, including the certification of timbers and introduction of payments to local people for their forest-related environmental services. In the Mekong Delta, climate change adaptation measures are supported, for example by building wave breakers along the coastline to protect the backlands against erosion as well as storms and floods. On the national level, GIZ is working with the Government of Viet Nam to achieve the country´s Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement to contribute to global climate change mitigation efforts.
Further information on the EU - Vietnam Energy Facility can be found at