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ASEAN SHINE, the Best and Effective Platform for EE Initiative in ASEAN, is a public-private partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) and the International Copper Association (ICA). It is in direct support of the United for Efficiency (U4E) Initiative which is a global effort supporting developing countries and emerging economies to move their markets to energy efficient appliances and equipment under the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) energy efficiency goal.
The LEECP Guidebook is designed to assist LGUs in developing their LEECP as mandated by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act of the Philippines. The guidebook will institutionalize energy efficiency and integrate it into the sustainable local development agenda of each LGU in the country.
The Energy Smart Philippines Program is a project funded by AFD and the European Union (EU). It aims to promote the development of smart grids and renewable energy integration in the Philippines. The program focuses on improving the reliability and efficiency of the electricity grid and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.
The Government of the Philippines is working on the following energy objectives: 1) meeting its rural electrification targets by means of renewable energy. 2) promoting energy efficiency. 3) expanding its sustainable energy generation to meet the growing needs of its economy; and 4) providing energy access for the poor through affordable, disaster-resilient energy systems.
ASEP assists the DOE and stakeholders in the energy sector to resolve regulatory and administrative issues that hinder the government in attaining its electrification targets and from establishing a sustainable electricity market.
Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Technical Working Groups (3) working on updating building standards and alignment with green building code.
The project targets to promote sustainable agri-food processing and contribute to enhancing waste management in Vietnam by facilitating the adoption of volumetric continuous biomass gasification (VCBG) technology as renewable energy among agri-MSEs through supporting 2,500 agri-MSEs to adopt VCBG, 100 mechanical enterprises and 400 biomass supply businesses to join the market by providing services to MSEs in four provinces.
Overall objective: To promote sustainable agri-food processing and contribute to enhancing waste management in Vietnam by facilitating the adoption of Continuous Biomass Gasification Technology (CBGT) as renewable energy among agri-MSEs
The overall objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to support EREA/MOIT to conduct the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (hereinafter referred to as SEA Report) of the National Power Development Plan in the period of 2021-2030 with visions to 2050 (PDP Vlll)*