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Building on existing minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) guidance of ASEAN countries, the ACT MEPS project aims to institutionalize regional MEPS into national contexts to ensure regular updates, enhance coordination with the industry, as well as drive the uptake of energy efficient and low global warning potential air conditions (AC). The scope includes ACs with a capacity up to 100.000 btu/h (single, split type, and multi-split units).
The TEV project aims to foster the development of a long-term political energy transition strategy, including legal and regulatory fundamentals, and the transfer of technological knowledge for a low-carbon, environmentally friendly energy transition.
ASEAN SHINE, the Best and Effective Platform for EE Initiative in ASEAN, is a public-private partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) and the International Copper Association (ICA). It is in direct support of the United for Efficiency (U4E) Initiative which is a global effort supporting developing countries and emerging economies to move their markets to energy efficient appliances and equipment under the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) energy efficiency goal.
The project aims to support Vietnam in its implementation of a national policy roadmap for air conditioners. Through the Lower Mekong Initiative and the ASEAN Standardization Harmonization Initiative for Efficiency (SHINE) program, this project will build on the existing ASEAN Regional Policy Roadmap and the Vietnam National Roadmap by assisting Vietnam in implementing higher minimum energy performance standards for air conditioning and encouraging enforcement of those standards.
The objective of the Energy Efficiency for Industrial Enterprises (VEEIE) for Vietnam is to improve energy efficiency in Vietnam's industrial sector. The project has 2 components. (1) Energy Efficiency Investment Lending component consists of an Energy Efficiency lending program. An Operational Manual (OM) was developed, which outlines selection criteria for sub-borrowers and subprojects, appraisal procedures, roles, and responsibilities of the Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) and the government, the PFIs’ internal institutional arrangement for project implementation, technical evaluation, environmental and social assessment, procurement, and financial management frameworks that are consistent with the Bank and the Vietnamese government rules and procedures. (2) Project Implementation Support component will provide technical assistance and capacity building support to the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Project monitoring and supervision, including audits of project activities and safeguards implementation.
The overall objective is to contribute to a sustainable energy transition in Viet Nam.
This project provides assistance to MOIT (EREA) to develop a roadmap and an action plan for the establishment of the Vietnam Energy Information System
Support the establishment and start-up of the VietNam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) between Development Partners and MOIT
Conduct in-depth study and survey to develop the National Green Cooling Program to promote conversion to high energy efficiency and low carbon technologies and increase energy savings in the cooling sector to contribute to meeting sustainable development goals as well as national energy efficiency targets.
This is one of the four comlementary measures supporting the above SETP budget support programme. The EVSET Facility will contribute to the SETP objectives of (i) improved energy efficiency; (ii) a larger share of renewable energy in the energy mix; and (iii) improved performance of the Viet Nam Energy Information System. Its purposes are: • Purpose 1: provide high level demand-driven technical assistance and capacity development in areas of, but not limited to, technology and knowledge transfer through cooperation on areas like research, higher education and R&D for renewable energy and energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy efficiency policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, norms and technical standards, power market analysis, energy governance, energy information systems, energy budgeting and planning. • Purpose 2: provide support to the operation of the VEPG. • Purpose 3: support monitoring and implementation of the budget support component of the SETP. • Purpose 4: support communication and visibility of the whole EU - Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme and Team Europe support to the energy sector in Viet Nam.