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This project is part of the bigger Philippines Policy-based Loan Climate Change Program to support ERC in designing a regulatory framework to support a new and high-potential RE source in the Philippines to: · Assess cost recovery methodologies. · Suggest grid connection and reinforcement cost allocation. · Design grid connection and grid code standards
This project provides strategic analysis of the offshore wind development potential in the Philippines, considering the opportunities and challenges under different, hypothetical growth scenarios. The goal is to provide evidence to support the Government of the Philippines in establishing policy, regulations, processes, and infrastructure to enable successful growth of this new industry.
The project roadmap was initiated by the World Bank country team in the Philippines under the umbrella of the World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) Offshore Wind Development Program—which aims to accelerate offshore wind development in emerging markets—and was funded by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
This project aims to present preliminary findings of an ADB technical assistance study on fossil fuel subsidy reform in India, Indonesia, and Thailand, and the feedback at a conference from peer reviewers, policy makers, and experts in economics, energy, environment and poverty issues. The study quantifies fossil-fuel subsidies, analyzes the economic, energy, and environmental impacts of subsidy reform, and discusses social welfare measures to mitigate the negative impacts of reforms on households.
Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Program design. SIEP is closely aligned with the government's National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), 2015-2019, the goals of which include (i) expanding electricity access to all Indonesians and increasing per capita consumption from 843 kilowatt-hours to 1,200 kilowatt-hours per year as key goals; (ii) bolstering domestic energy security through expanded production of gas, improved security for downstream oil and oil products, and increased utilization of renewable energy; and (iii) scaling up energy efficiency.
CIFF has committed a total grant of $12.2 million to bolster essential local civil society organizations in Southeast Asia. These organizations focus on overcoming technical, regulatory, political, and cultural barriers to clean energy deployment. Additionally, the grant supports Indonesia and Vietnam by offering targeted technical assistance to their governments and key power sector institutions, helping them integrate more clean energy into their national grids.
IFE initiative supports organisations in Southeast and East Asia to rapidly transform the power system of this key region. By supporting technical assistance to governments, building up technical capacity in key institutions in relevant locations and supporting civil society groups, as well as working alongside international and regional financial institutions, IFE can help bring the price of renewables to levels competitive with more polluting generation more quickly and thus help realise a systematic decarbonisation strategy for the region. In its first year IFE supported technical assistance by the U.S. National Renewable Energy Lab and the Danish Energy Agency to support the Vietnamese government in energy systems planning and renewables integration. IFE also supported the expansion of two regional expert hubs in Vietnam and Indonesia, CleanED, based at the University of Science and Technology in Hanoi, Vietnam, and the Institute for Essential Services Reform, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
This grant, totaling $1 million, will aid the World Bank Group's Partnership Fund for the Sustainable Development Goals in its fourth call for proposals. The objective is to expedite low-carbon development by targeting the most emissions-intensive sectors in China, Africa, and Southeast Asia, including energy, manufacturing, transport, agriculture, land
With develoPPP, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) promotes private-sector activities where entrepreneurial opportunities and development policy potential meet. Companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing and emerging country and expand their local operations can receive financial and technical support under the programme.
The project has the following objectives : 1. Transform the buildings sector by promoting sustainable building design and construction. 2. Lower the energy demand in buildings in a cost-effective manner and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum level 3. Leverage untapped social, ecological and economic benefits