The project is helping to advance climate-friendly solutions in the cooling and air conditioning sector at national and international levels. A broad range of initiatives are working together more effectively to achieve comprehensive international control of HFCs: overlaps are being reduced and financial supports harmonised. The project is also supporting the process by means of policy advice, the establishment of expert groups and regular dialogue.
The project advises the energy and environment ministries of the partner countries on the development of sustainable strategies for cooling and air conditioning as a contribution to NDCs. Factors such as improved framework conditions are encouraging the partner countries to use natural coolants and foaming agents. GIZ and its partners are quantifying controlled substances in the partner countries in the form of taking inventory, analysing previous legislation on cooling and air conditioning, providing support with the identification of reduction scenarios and strengthening national capacities in strategy development and implementation.
The project is also advising partner countries on what positions to adopt on international committees and providing support with the quantification of national emissions. All of this is improving policy and transformation processes relating to integrated ozone protection and climate change mitigation; the implementation of international control of HFCs is being accelerated. Partner countries’ climate change mitigation and ozone protection plans and measures are being presented in an inclusive manner for a broad audience at regional and global levels. The project is achieving a multiplier effect thanks to institutionalised structures and networks.
Reports and studies on greenhouse gases (GHGs) show how important cooling and climate technology is for climate change mitigation at national and international levels. These publications provide comprehensive knowledge and serve as a basis for advisory services to politi-cians, industry and society as a whole for the planning of NDCs.
22 regional workshops and three webinars have been carried out to foster exchange on methods and analyses and on keeping GHG inventories and NDC strategy development in the cooling/climate sector.
32 cooling technician trainers have received supplementary training on the professional installation and repair of energy-efficient air conditioning systems with natural coolants.
Energy-efficient and climate-friendly air conditioning technology has been installed in the Philippines and Grenada for demonstration and training purposes.
Around 20 policy advisors and cooling technicians have participated in ‘Cool Training’ in Germany.