Showing 1-10 of 19 Export Projects Click here to download the selected projects in excel format. You may adapt the selection by applying the filters on the left. Show 10 25 50 100 Sort by
C4 aims to further pursue the international control of F-gases and improves the framework conditions for the use of energy-efficient RAC equipment and environmentally-friendly natural refrigerants and blowing agents.
H2Uppp promotes green H2/ PtX projects in developing and emerging (ODA) countries with the main objective to further develop markets for green H2/ PtX technologies through on-site cooperation. With the expertise from German and European companies, the programme will provide market expertise for green H2 in relevant sectors, mobilising company networks, provision of know-how for market exploration and market entry. The overall goal of the project is to support the development of H2/ PtX markets, strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of the private sector in related industries and to enable knowledge transfer around green H2/ PtX to private and public sector stakeholders in the region.
From venture capital supporting climate and nature tech solutions, to banks funding major renewables projects, we want our world-leading financial services sector to drive every step of the global transition
Approach to Transformational Change: The project “Philippines – Decarbonisation of Electricity Generation on Philippine Islands – Using Tidal Stream and Solar PV”, will provide both funding (via the financial cooperation (FC) component) and advisory support (via the technical cooperation (TC) component). The FC component will offer long-term concessional loans, rendering the TSE hybrid system investment project viable. The TC component will support the local government in adjusting regulations applicable for TSE, and in the standardisation of processes while supporting the review of existing power supply agreements. The expected impact of this project is that small island grid operators will be able to substitute fossil fuel-based electricity generation through TSE hybrid systems via replicable sustainable private investment projects. These projects will install 50 MW of TSE hybrid systems, and around 100 MWh battery storage in off-grid islands in the Philippines during the lifespan of the project. Additionally, the project expects to catalyse the market for privately financed TSE hybrid investment projects by making financing sources accessible, supporting the establishment of favourable regulatory conditions. Through the long-term concessional loans to be provided by the project, over EUR 160 million are expected to be leveraged from the public and private sectors.
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of public and private actors for the green cooling approach and thereby support the transformation towards climate-friendly technologies in their countries and globally.
Viet Nam is severely affected by the impacts of climate change. At the same time, due to its rapidly growing economy, the country is faced with the decision of how it will meet its increasing energy de-mand. The project uses a two-stage training programme to educate young professionals to become "climate ambassadors" who advocate for low-carbon production and climate-friendly use of energy in the Vietnamese society. Through this, young people's awareness and skills to contribute to a socially just energy transition and sustainable end-use of energy will be strengthened. In a Youth Innovation Challenge, young people can submit proposals for model projects in their hometowns. Ten of these ideas are implemented each year. In addition, young people engage with politicians and business leaders as well as the climate movement and experts in Germany to enhance their voice in society and contribute with their own ideas to the transition to a low-carbon development model.
In Viet Nam, much of the soil on former mining sites is contaminated and no longer usable for the cultivation of food crops. However, these locations do offer potential as sites for the cultivation of eco-friendly energy crops. The project highlighted the feasibility of this innovative approach to climate action by trialling and analysing selected plant species across two vegetation periods. With these additional areas of cultivation, the project also aimed to negate and bypass competition between food crops and energy crops. At the same time, this expansion of energy crop cultivation provided local populations with a climate-friendly income source. Lastly, the project was also fostering improvements to the economic and legal framework for the cultivation of energy crops in Viet Nam.
The Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Vietnam project aims to improve the preconditions for sustainable use of biomass for electricity and heat generation in the country.The project will focus more on the improvement of planning, technical and financial capacities of respective actors in the biomass energy sector in order to realize bankable investment projects.
This Project aims to increase private sector investment in Renewable Energy (RE) and also strengthen economic and social development options through the use of RE for reliable and sustainable energy supply.
The Philippine government is seeking to increase the proportion of renewable energies and use them to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The project supports these goals by further developing the financing and integration of renewable energies in the city of Butuan. Various urban stakeholders are working together in a Planning Group for Energy Development (PDP) with the aim of developing an inclusive, cost-effective and sustainable energy solution. A master plan for urban energy development ensures that domestic, renewable resources are used in line with the development goals, and to achieve this, the stakeholders complete a workshop series on various aspects relevant to planning in the energy sector. Armed with this newly-acquired knowledge, they can then technically and financially evaluate the proposals for energy development. The project also develops and disseminates a financing product that contributes to the implementation of the master plan.