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In line with VNEEP 3 and the National Green Growth Strategy (VGGS), the project aims to improve energy efficiency of industry, transportation, and green building sectors in Vietnam.
The OECD Clean Energy Finance & Investment Mobilisation (CEFIM) programme aims to strengthen domestic enabling conditions to attract finance and investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and decarbonisation of industry (“clean energy”) in emerging economies. Taking an integrated approach to policy, regulation and investment mobilisation, the CEFIM programme aims to increase the potential for impact.
The proposed transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will provide project preparatory assistance, technical support, policy advice, knowledge sharing, and capacity building, and subsequently, strengthen due diligence and improve project readiness to Southeast Asian developing member countries (DMCs) for a series of lending projects and programs identified in the country operations business plans, 2018-2020.The TA will initially support (i) Support for a Sustainable Power Sector (Cambodia), (ii) Accelerating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Expansion (Viet Nam), (iii) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Activity in the Natural Gas Processing Sector (Indonesia); (iv) Geothermal Sector Project (Indonesia), (v) Power Network Development Program II (Myanmar), (vi) GMS Cross-Border Power Trade and Distribution Project (Lao PDR); and (vii) Sustainable Rural Power Supply Project (Philippines). These energy sector projects require similar preparation, due diligence, design and readiness activities. The transaction TA facility will encompass individual TAs listed in the Southeast Asia region's Country Operations Business Plans (COBP) 2018-2020.
The regional transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will support clean energy projects for (i) project feasibility and due diligence (ii) capacity development and implementation support (iii) cross-departmental green energy project pipeline development. For (i), the facility will conduct project preparation activities for the Grid Reinforcement Project with Additional Financing (Cambodia), Climate Change Policy Program (Philippines), and Power Grid Strengthening Project (Timor-Leste). For (ii), project implementation support will be provided for Sustainable and Reliable Energy Access Program (Indonesia) and Sustainable Energy TransitionDAMRI E-bus Project (Indonesia). For (iii), the TA facility will develop a pipeline of green energy projects for investment under the One-ADB framework, involving collaboration among the Energy Division (SEEN) and the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division of the Southeast Asia Department, Office of Public-Private Partnership (OPPP), and Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD)
This project provides assistance to MOIT (EREA) to develop a roadmap and an action plan for the establishment of the Vietnam Energy Information System
HFCs are controlled on an international basis. Various initiatives are campaigning jointly for ozone protection and climate change mitigation and are working together more effectively, which is helping to reduce climate-damaging coolants and to promote energy efficiency. The partner countries have integrated measures for the reduction of emissions in the cooling and air conditioning sector into their NDCs. Energy-efficient cooling systems with natural, environmentally friendly coolants have become established on the market as a result of improved framework conditions.
1. Strengthened capacity at MPI for guiding the implementation and for conducting M&E of the Green Growth Strategy and its Action Plan. 2. Strengthened technical capacity at MPI, MOF, MOT ministries, and provinces to integrate green growth into the planning, budgeting and spending processes. 3. Enhanced knowledge and awareness of policymakers and businesses on green growth and sustainable development. 4. Policy analysis conducted on finance, investment and fiscal, and other barriers to green growth investments, enabling policy dialogue on the research findings. 5. Improved investment policies and regulations to tackle barriers to green growth; and strategies and incentives to increase engagement of the private sector into green investments, production and consumption,. 6. Improved climate finance architecture to mobilize funds for green growth and climate change. 7. Develop and employ a system of tracking and reporting climate change finance. 8. Private sector investments and projects contribute to achieving GG objectives
The Project Development Programme (PDP) assists German companies which are seeking to enter emerging and developing countries. The markets there are dynamic and very promising but they also present companies with new challenges, such as political instability, difficult access to finance or a shortage of skilled professionals.
GIZ runs the PDP as part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The activities are currently concentrated in 16 countries in South-East Asia, south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.