The objective of the Project is to mitigate GHG emissions through transformation of the lighting market towards greater usage of locally produced LED lighting products in Viet Nam. This objective will be achieved by removing barriers to increased production and utilization of locally produced LED lighting products in Viet Nam through two components: i) the transfer of skills, knowledge and technology for the manufacturing of LED lamps in Viet Nam; and ii) the demonstration of cost-effective local commercial production of LED lighting devices. The Project will be implemented over a 4-year period and is expected to achieve GHG emission reductions through the displacement of electricity generation from fossil-fuelled power plants. Direct GHG reduction estimates are 0.623 ktonnes CO2. Direct post-project GHG reductions are estimated to be 69.38 ktonnes CO2. The estimated range of potential indirect emission reductions is e6 to 5,154 ktonnes CO2eq that is cumulative for a 10-year period after the end of the Project.