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Strengthen the climate change mitigation options from renewable energy and energy efficiency sector
Study in De-risking RE Investments in Off Grid Solar in the Philippines; (ii) provide continuing technical support to the operation of the RE Registrar and to the training and registration of mandated participants to comply with DOE Department Circulars on the RE Market Rules and the Renewable Portfolio Standards
The objective of this project is to reduce intensity ofGHG emissions from the building sector in Vietnam, consisting of three componets (i) Improvement and Enforcement of Energy Efficiency Building Code (ii) Building Market Development Support initiative (iii) Building Energy Efficiency Technology Application and Replication
The objective of the Project is to mitigate GHG emissions through transformation of the lighting market towards greater usage of locally produced LED lighting products in Viet Nam. This objective will be achieved by removing barriers to increased production and utilization of locally produced LED lighting products in Viet Nam through two components: i) the transfer of skills, knowledge and technology for the manufacturing of LED lamps in Viet Nam; and ii) the demonstration of cost-effective local commercial production of LED lighting devices. The Project will be implemented over a 4-year period and is expected to achieve GHG emission reductions through the displacement of electricity generation from fossil-fuelled power plants. Direct GHG reduction estimates are 0.623 ktonnes CO2. Direct post-project GHG reductions are estimated to be 69.38 ktonnes CO2. The estimated range of potential indirect emission reductions is e6 to 5,154 ktonnes CO2eq that is cumulative for a 10-year period after the end of the Project.
1. Strengthened capacity at MPI for guiding the implementation and for conducting M&E of the Green Growth Strategy and its Action Plan. 2. Strengthened technical capacity at MPI, MOF, MOT ministries, and provinces to integrate green growth into the planning, budgeting and spending processes. 3. Enhanced knowledge and awareness of policymakers and businesses on green growth and sustainable development. 4. Policy analysis conducted on finance, investment and fiscal, and other barriers to green growth investments, enabling policy dialogue on the research findings. 5. Improved investment policies and regulations to tackle barriers to green growth; and strategies and incentives to increase engagement of the private sector into green investments, production and consumption,. 6. Improved climate finance architecture to mobilize funds for green growth and climate change. 7. Develop and employ a system of tracking and reporting climate change finance. 8. Private sector investments and projects contribute to achieving GG objectives