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1.5°C-Aligned Coal Power Transition Pathways in Indonesia

Indonesia aims to transition from coal to renewable energy. In November 2023, Indonesia's Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP) was published, outlining the power sector emissions reduction roadmap. However, critical elements are missing. This report develops a high-ambition pathway for coal transition by combining a global integrated assessment model (GCAM), a power system dispatch model (PLEXOS), and bottom-up analyses. Download here.

Authored by Akbar Bagaskara,  Maria A. Borrero, Ryna Cui, Claire Squire, Jiehong Lou, Camryn Dahl, Molly Schreier, Raditya Wiranegara, Fabby Tumiwa, Nate Hultman, Deon Arinaldo.

06-2024     |     IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform
Energy Transition Renewables
Fossil Reckoning: Valuation of Coal and Gas Stranded Assets in Thailand

This paper by the Climate Finance Network Thailand evaluates the financial implications of decommissioning coal and gas power plants in Thailand. Using discounted cash flow analysis, it examines three scenarios, highlighting potential stranded asset risks and the need for strategic energy transition planning aligned with climate goals.

Access the report here.

06-2024     |     Climate Finance Network Thailand
Southeast Asia’s Energy Crossroads: The cost of gas expansion versus the promise of renewables

This report by GEM examines Southeast Asia’s energy future, comparing the economic and environmental impacts of expanding gas infrastructure with investing in renewable energy. It highlights regional gas projects and renewable potential, providing essential insights for sustainable energy planning.

Access the report here.

06-2024     |     GEM - Global Energy Monitor
Decarbonisation Pathways for Southeast Asia - Technical Background report

This report provides background information for the modelling exercise on “Decarbonisation pathways for Southeast Asia. The document describes the current energy systems in the region and describes modelling assumptions and their rational. The report was developed by Artelys and Fraunhofer ISI on behalf of the CASE consortium

03-2024     |     Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE)
Decarbonisation Pathways for Southeast Asia - Main report

This report provides the results from the modelling exercise “Decarbonisation pathways for Southeast Asia”. It describes the different scenarios for the CASE focus countries Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, and for the ASEAN region as a whole.

The report was developed by Fraunhofer ISI and Artelys on behalf of the CASE consortium

03-2024     |     Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE)
Navigating the Transition to Net-zero Emissions in Southeast Asia

The research brief 'Navigating the Transition to Net-zero Emissions in Southeast Asia - Energy Security, the Role of Gaseous Energy Carriers and Renewables-based Electrification’ underscores that rapid expansion of renewable electricity and electrification of energy end users are essential, not only to achieve climate mitigation targets but also to boost energy security and economic development across Southeast Asia. Focusing on Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam, and the Philippines – four countries that are part of the project “Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia” (CASE) – the brief analyses net-zero pathways under two different decarbonisation scenarios – one centred on reducing fossil-fuel use through the deep electrification of energy demand, and the other achieving these reductions through the use of renewable gases such as hydrogen.

06-2024     |     Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE)
Energy Transition Decarbonization
Co-benefits of energy transition in Viet Nam’s industrial development

The study on "Co-benefits of energy transition in Viet Nam's industrial development" aims to provide an overview of the localisation of the industrial sector amid the energy transition. It examines various aspects, including policy framework, international experience, current status and the localisation potential of two key technologies: wind and solar power for the period of 2025-2050. On the other hand, this study also serves as a foundation for CASE to conduct more detailed and in-depth policy framework research for localisation in the next stages.

Download to read full report. 

01-2024     |     Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE)
Renewables Energy Technologies Energy Policy
Capacity building needs assessment for Energy Transition in Viet Nam

This study on Assessment of Capacity Building Needs has overall objective of identifying the needs from the key stakeholders and then providing suggestions on feasible measures to better support the main actors involving into energy transition (ET) progress in Viet Nam. To achieve this objective, gaps in terms of legal frameworks, institutional capacities of actors involved into state governance, implementation and supporting the process of energy transition (including but not limited to RE development and energy efficiency measures) will be analyzed. Consequently, capacity building measures will be provided to support the related parties in better performing their mandates, enhancing their voices and participation in energy transition progress.

For the Vietnamese version, download here.

06-2024     |     Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE)
Energy Transition Energy Education