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1.5°C-Aligned Coal Power Transition Pathways in Indonesia

Indonesia aims to transition from coal to renewable energy. In November 2023, Indonesia's Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP) was published, outlining the power sector emissions reduction roadmap. However, critical elements are missing. This report develops a high-ambition pathway for coal transition by combining a global integrated assessment model (GCAM), a power system dispatch model (PLEXOS), and bottom-up analyses. Download here.

Authored by Akbar Bagaskara,  Maria A. Borrero, Ryna Cui, Claire Squire, Jiehong Lou, Camryn Dahl, Molly Schreier, Raditya Wiranegara, Fabby Tumiwa, Nate Hultman, Deon Arinaldo.

06-2024     |     IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform
Energy Transition Renewables
Nusa Penida 100% Renewable Energy Roadmap

The Province of Bali has an aspiration to achieve net-zero emissions (NZE) by 2045. To support this aspiration, the Institute for Essential for Services Reform (IESR) in collaboration with partners analyzed the potential of renewable energy (RE) in Nusa Penida that can be developed. In addition, this report also contains an in-depth analysis of Nusa Penida’s electricity system. This analysis is useful for obtaining the optimal configuration of generation, transmission, and distribution systems to supply regional energy needs, including potential renewable energy power plant capacity, proposed locations, and network adjustment needs.

IESR, together with the Bali Provincial Government and a number of partners, launched the Nusa Penida 100% Renewable Energy Roadmap on March 6, 2024 in Nusa Penida, Bali. The results of the analysis and study of the 100% Renewable Energy Nusa Penida Roadmap are expected to become a blueprint for renewable energy-based island development and become part of the Bali NZE 2045 roadmap.

05-2024     |     IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform
Coal’s Endgame: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Retirement vs. Coal-Fired Power Plants with CCS

Developed by CASE, this study investigates how Indonesia can achieve its ambitious decarbonization goals for the power sector. The study analyzes the economics of two decarbonization strategies for Coal Fired Power Plant (CFPP): early retirement by 10 years and replacing it with solar power, compared to retrofitting the CFPP with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. The report recommends a multi-pronged approach: strategically retiring coal plants while least-prioritizing the use of CCS on CFPPs, creating a clear national plan for coal phase-out, and implementing carbon pricing to incentivize renewables.

03-2024     |     Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE)
Industry Decarbonization Roadmaps for Indonesia: Opportunities and challenges to net-zero emissions

Indonesia is the fourth-most populous country in the world with a fast-growing economy. The industrial sector is one of the largest CO2-emitting sectors in Indonesia. Decarbonizing the industrial sector is critical to achieving Indonesia's enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

This in-depth study, conducted jointly by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Institute for Essential Service Reforms (IESR) of Indonesia developed sector-specific roadmaps for deep decarbonization of five key industry sectors in Indonesia: iron and steel, cement, ammonia, pulp and paper, and textile industries, which are responsible for 70% of the industrial emissions in Indonesia. We analyzed the current status of the studied industries and analyzed different decarbonization pathways that can substantially reduce the CO2 emissions of Indonesia's industry sector. The results of the collaboration demonstrate that it is technically feasible to mitigate 100 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 emissions from today's level, or 160 MtCO2 emissions from the reference scenario, and achieve near-zero CO2 emissions in the studied Indonesia’s industrial sectors by 2060, as well as 2050 in an accelerated mitigation scenario.

02-2024     |     LBNL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Just Transition Finance Needs or 'JET-FIN' Tool was developed as an open-source Excel model to help inform critical considerations in kick-starting the transition away from fossil fuel reliance to clean technologies. This tool facilitates an analysis of the key finance needs for a just energy transition in Indonesia’s power sector. It covers different pathways, allowing users to adjust critical parameters and test their influence on potential investment needs over time. 

02-2024     |     NCI - NewClimate Institute
Energy Transition Energy Investment Analysis Climate Finance Coal
Identifying Finance Needs for a Just Transformation of Indonesia’s Power Sector

An analysis using the Just Energy Transition Finance Needs tool // JET-FIN 

Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership (or ’JETP’) places a central focus on peaking and then cutting power sector emissions with the support of public and private finance. To help inform critical considerations in kick-starting the transition away from fossil fuel reliance to clean technologies we have developed an open-source Excel model, ‘JET-FIN’. This tool facilitates an analysis of the key finance needs for a just energy transition in Indonesia’s power sector. It covers different pathways, allowing users to adjust critical parameters and test their influence on potential investment needs over time. 

Our analysis uses electricity sector pathways to systematically analyse the key elements of the energy transition in Indonesia that require financing, including: 

i) phase-out of coal 

ii) clean build-up of new infrastructure 

iii) regulatory interventions to facilitate a just transition, and 

iv) additional institutional capacity needs. 

The main findings are outlined in the report available for download on this webpage, with further details on our approach set out in the accompanying methods document. 

02-2024     |     IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform,NCI - NewClimate Institute
Energy Transition Energy Investment Analysis Climate Finance Coal
Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2024 Peaking Indonesia’s Energy Sector Emission by 2030:

In 2023, Indonesia’s energy transition began to gain momentum. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has started inter-ministerial discussions to prepare a roadmap for phasing out coal by 2050. JETP CIPP has launched an agreement for the early retirement of the Cirebon PLTU. The National Energy Board has updated the 2014 National Energy Policy to align with the zero emissions target by 2060.

Two state-owned companies, PLN and Pertamina, are also taking concrete steps towards the energy transition by setting ambitious renewable energy targets and investing in new projects. In addition, a growing number of companies are demanding clean electricity and investing in renewable energy. However, the transition in the transportation and industrial sectors is still in its early stages. A lack of leadership, urgency, and direction from the top has slowed the pace of decarbonization in these two sectors.

IESR is pleased to present IETO 2024, which documents the progress of the energy transition in the power, industry, transportation, and building sectors and their enabling environment: policy, regulation, finance, clean technology adaptation, and public and local participation. IETO 2024 is the most comprehensive report yet, the result of more than 7 months of collaboration and research by 16 young and highly motivated IESR analysts.

Although Indonesia’s recent energy transition looks bleak, we should celebrate every small step the country has taken to reduce fossil fuel use and replace it with clean energy to protect future generations from the catastrophic consequences of climate change.

01-2024     |     IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform
Start from Here: Understanding Energy Transition in Indonesia

The book 'Start from Here: Understanding Energy Transition in Indonesia' describes the development of energy through history, and the importance of a clean energy transition for a sustainable future. This book was first published in Bahasa Indonesia to elevate the knowledge and education of secondary school students and the public. CASE acknowledges the critical role of education in ensuring a smooth and just clean energy transition in Indonesia. This book is free to download for all to ensure that everyone has access to energy transition education.

01-2024     |     Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE)