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Cultivation of energy plants on set-aside mining sites in Viet Nam - pilot project II

In Viet Nam, much of the soil on former mining sites is contaminated and no longer usable for the cultivation of food crops. However, these locations do offer potential as sites for the cultivation of eco-friendly energy crops. The project highlighted the feasibility of this innovative approach to climate action by trialling and analysing selected plant species across two vegetation periods. With these additional areas of cultivation, the project also aimed to negate and bypass competition between food crops and energy crops. At the same time, this expansion of energy crop cultivation provided local populations with a climate-friendly income source. Lastly, the project was also fostering improvements to the economic and legal framework for the cultivation of energy crops in Viet Nam.

January 2020 - January 2022
Danish Energy Partnership Programme III with Vietnam (DEPP II)

The programme objective is Vietnam develops low carbon pathways related to energy in support of their NDC and Vietnam upscales NDC mitigation targets and related measures by 2020.

January 2017 - December 2020
Collaboration Program for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Electricity Distribution System and Management in the Philippines

Improve distribution system reliability of Electric Cooperatives with Distribution Network Mangement System (DNMS) 

January 2018 - December 2019
Regional: Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition in Southeast Asia

The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the countries of Southeast Asia (SEA) to transition to a cleaner energy future. While this transition is already underway in some countries, the pace of the transformation needs to be accelerated across the region to avert a development path inconsistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. This transition needs to be just and inclusive, ensuring affordable, reliable, and equitable access to energy services. The proposed TA will assist SEA countries with a comprehensive package of solutions that will include: (i) the preparation of sectoral and country-specific assessments; (ii) the development of new business models, feasibility reports, and other technical studies; (iii) the conduct of workshops and policy dialogues; and (iv) the development of project investment pipelines to be financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other development partners.

January 2021 - December 2024
Smart and Energy Efficient City Project (SEECP) (Phase I)

Smart and Energy Efficient City Project (SEECP) (Phase I) is included in the country operations business plan 2020-2022 for Viet Nam. The project is aligned with the Viet Nam National Energy Efficient Program 3 (VNEEP 3 2019-2030), and has the following three outputs: (i) energy efficiency of streetlighting and public buildings increased in Can Tho, Da Nang, Ha Noi, and Hai Phong special administrative cities; and Quang Nam and Quang Ninh provinces in Viet Nam; (ii) policy and regulatory environment improved; and (iii) capacity strengthened and awareness increased of various stakeholders. The project has the following impacts: (i) national energy saving targets met, and (ii) national GHG emission reduced. The outcome will be fossil-fuel dependent energy consumption reduced in the six targeted cities and provinces.

January 2019 - December 2024
Pilot Solar Auctioning Project in Viet Nam

The project aims to implement a piloot solar actioning pilot in Viet Nam. The ADB will suport in choosing the locations, conducting the Pre FS and FS as well as support to prepare for the tender and tendering process. The output is Pilot Solar Auction

January 2020 - December 2021
Enhancing readiness for solar power deployment in Viet Nam

The Viet Nam Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Roadmap, identifies support for energy efficiency and renewable energy generation as one of the five key areas for 2016 to 2020. The S-KSTA provides a substantive entry into the renewable energy space in response to the government's increased emphasis and identified financing requirements.


Main outputs are:

Asssessment of Regulations and Law

Assessment of the Potential pojets

Recommendations for future TA

January 2017 - December 2018
Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SGREEE)

Vietnamese power grid experts are utilizing improved capacities for the development of an intelligent power supply system (Smart Grid) which enhances energy efficiency (EE) and facilitates the use of renewable energies. The ‘Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SGREEE)’ project is supporting the Government of Viet Nam in the implementation of its Smart Grid Roadmap, which aims to promote the modernization and automation of the national power transmission and distribution system.

July 2017 - June 2022