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Vietnam HCFC Phaseout Project Stage II

The development objective of the Second Stage of the Hydro Chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-Out Project for Vietnam is to reduce HCFC consumption in order to assist Vietnam meet its HCFC phase-out obligations under the Montreal protocol, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions arising from the replacement of these HCFCs. The project comprises of three components. The first component is HCFC consumption reduction. The second component, technical assistance (TA) and policy actions aims to support sector-wide technology and knowledge transfer, TA, and exchange of best practices, as well as to create a policy and market environment that will enable and sustain sector transformation. The third component, project management will finance the project management unit (PMU) staff including one project coordinator, two project officers, one procurement officer, one accountant cum administrative officer, project launch and completion workshops, financial audits, public awareness activities, and incremental operating cost (of the PMU).

January 2019 - December 2023
Indonesia Renewable Energy Development and Support Program - Subprogram 1

Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Program design. SIEP is closely aligned with the government's National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), 2015-2019, the goals of which include (i) expanding electricity access to all Indonesians and increasing per capita consumption from 843 kilowatt-hours to 1,200 kilowatt-hours per year as key goals; (ii) bolstering domestic energy security through expanded production of gas, improved security for downstream oil and oil products, and increased utilization of renewable energy; and (iii) scaling up energy efficiency. 

January 2015 - December 2015
Java-Bali 500 kV Power Transmission Crossing

The proposed investment project will strengthen the Java-Bali power transmission grid by constructing 220 km of extra high voltage transmission lines with associated substations. The project forms part of the governments regional economic development master plan and its long-term power development plan. The project will benefit the population in Bali by meeting future demand growth in Bali Island, thus ensuring long-term power supply security to support sustained socio-economic growth and government plan to achieve 90% electrification by 2020.

January 2013 - December 2020
Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Program (Subprogram 2)

The program identified the priority areas that aimed to: (i) improve sector governance, streamline public sector investments, and expand private sector investment in energy and power markets; (ii) bolster the security and sustainability of the energy sector through increased reliance on domestic gas, renewable energy, and energy efficiency measures; and (iii) provide access to modern energy to all Indonesians.

January 2021 - February 2024
Riau Natural Gas Power Project

The project entails construction, operation and maintenance of a 275 megawatt (MW) combined-cycle gas-fired power plant (CCGT), located in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City Regency, Riau Province in the central part of Sumatra, and including a gas pipeline of approximately 40 km, a transmission line of approximately 750 m, and associated facilities.

January 2016 - December 2018
Rantau Dedap Geothermal Power project (South Sumatra- Phase 2)

Rantau Dedap geothermal power project is part of ADB’s continued efforts to scale up private sector-led infrastructure development and support clean energy investments in the Asia and Pacific region.

The project will develop geothermal steam resources through production and injection facilities and construct, operate, and maintain a power generation plant with a total capacity of approximately 90 megawatts (MW) in South Sumatra.

January 2016 - March 2024
Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2021

Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2021 is IESR's annual flagship report which aims to review the development of the energy system in the previous year (2020), outlook the development in the year after (2021) and also track the progress of Indonesia's energy transition.

January 2020 - December 2022
Efficiency Energy in Emerging Economies (E4)

Setting targets and tracking progress through energy efficiency indicators and policy evaluation for continuous improvement. Developing strategies and policy design to deliver energy efficient prosperity.

January 2017 - December 2022
ASEAN Energy Transition Outlook

This second edition of the ASEAN Renewable Energy Outlook was developed in collaboration with the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and the ASEAN Renewable Energy Sub-sector Network. It is guided by IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook and details a comprehensive pathway for the development of a sustainable and cleaner regional energy system. It explores the role of end-use sector electrification, expansion of renewable generation, energy efficiency solutions, emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, hydrogen and battery storage-systems, as well the importance of expanding regional power sector integration.

January 2016 - December 2022
New Zealand- Maluku Access To Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES)

NZMATES is here to support the development of a vibrant renewable energy sector in Maluku. In partnership with the Indonesian government (EBTKE and PLN) NZMATES will help deliver long-lasting, reliable, and affordable renewable energy project to the people of Maluku Province.

NZMATES activities include carrying out field surveys, resources and techno-economic assessments, delivery model development, participatory community engagement, leveraging funds, capacity building and forging partnerships to kick-start the uptake of renewables.

January 2022 - December 2025