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The objective of this SOW is to strengthen the ability of HCMC DONRE and other GVN counterparts in HCMC in the city’s GHG emissions MRV through training on monitoring and reporting GHG emissions for enterprises/facilities and conducting GHG emissions quantification for 10 selected enterprises/facilities. These will help them to also understand the mitigation options available and their costs to be able to plan a strategy to optimize their actions and minimize compliance costs in both the short term and the long term.
The overall goal of the project is “advanced, distributed energy solutions deployed to improve urban energy resilience and energy security” in Vietnam. At its completion, the USAID Vietnam Urban Energy Security must achieve the following high-level expected results: • At least 400 megawatts (MW) of advanced, distributed energy systems deployed in the selected cities. • At least $600 million in public and private investment mobilized for advanced, distributed urban energy systems. • At least 20 innovative solutions to address urban energy and environment issues demonstrated and/or commercialized
Energy Monitoring
Conduct in-depth study and survey to develop the National Green Cooling Program to promote conversion to high energy efficiency and low carbon technologies and increase energy savings in the cooling sector to contribute to meeting sustainable development goals as well as national energy efficiency targets.
The energy partnership cooperation between Denmark and Vietnam started in 2013 with the purpose of strengthening Vietnam’s transition to a low-carbon economy. The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) are the key actors of this partnership. At present, the DEPP is in the third phase (DEPP III)
Viet Nam is severely affected by the impacts of climate change. At the same time, due to its rapidly growing economy, the country is faced with the decision of how it will meet its increasing energy de-mand. The project uses a two-stage training programme to educate young professionals to become "climate ambassadors" who advocate for low-carbon production and climate-friendly use of energy in the Vietnamese society. Through this, young people's awareness and skills to contribute to a socially just energy transition and sustainable end-use of energy will be strengthened. In a Youth Innovation Challenge, young people can submit proposals for model projects in their hometowns. Ten of these ideas are implemented each year. In addition, young people engage with politicians and business leaders as well as the climate movement and experts in Germany to enhance their voice in society and contribute with their own ideas to the transition to a low-carbon development model.
The objective of this SOW is to strengthen the ability of HCMC DOIT and other GVN counterparts in HCMC to promote and encourage the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures locally. This will be done by providing information on types of annual energy usage, energy consumer groups, and total annual energy consumption under a form of energy database, helping the city to make informed, strategic decisions; and working with the private sector to promote DOIT and GVN priorities and support their adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.
1. Strengthened capacity at MPI for guiding the implementation and for conducting M&E of the Green Growth Strategy and its Action Plan. 2. Strengthened technical capacity at MPI, MOF, MOT ministries, and provinces to integrate green growth into the planning, budgeting and spending processes. 3. Enhanced knowledge and awareness of policymakers and businesses on green growth and sustainable development. 4. Policy analysis conducted on finance, investment and fiscal, and other barriers to green growth investments, enabling policy dialogue on the research findings. 5. Improved investment policies and regulations to tackle barriers to green growth; and strategies and incentives to increase engagement of the private sector into green investments, production and consumption,. 6. Improved climate finance architecture to mobilize funds for green growth and climate change. 7. Develop and employ a system of tracking and reporting climate change finance. 8. Private sector investments and projects contribute to achieving GG objectives
Improve the capacity and knwoledge of the Energy Sector Agency to operate effectively the VWEM mechanisms
The activities of the TA include
(i) Basic and advanced trainings on generic wholesale market mechanisms; (ii) Recommendation on new functions and critical requirements of Power Corporations and NLDC (SMO) for the VWEM
(iii) Review the current ICT infrastructure of Power Corporations and NLDC (SMO), and recommendation for upgrading ICT infrastructure for the VWEM.
The primary objective of the sector Project is to develop rural electrification and renewable energy in Viet Nam to benefit ethnic minority communities inhabiting remote and poorer parts of the country. The Project consists of two investment components: (i) development of mini-hydropower plants in mountain provinces, and (ii) network expansion and rehabilitation of distribution networks serving poor provinces.