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Accelerating Air Conditioning Transformation through Enhanced Energy Performance Standards (ACT MEPS)

Standards and labelling (S&L) frameworks play a key role in advancing energy efficiency of cooling appliances. Building on existing Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) guidance of ASEAN countries, the ACT MEPS project aims to institutionalize regional MEPS into national contexts to ensure regular updates, enhance coordination with the industry, as well as drive the uptake of energy efficient and low global warning potential air conditioners (AC). The scope includes ACs with a capacity up to 100.000 btu/h (single, split type, and multi-split units).

August 2023 - February 2026
Accelerating Air Conditioning Transformation through Enhanced Energy Performance Standards (ACT MEPS)

Building on existing minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) guidance of ASEAN countries, the ACT MEPS project aims to institutionalize regional MEPS into national contexts to ensure regular updates, enhance coordination with the industry, as well as drive the uptake of energy efficient and low global warning potential air conditions (AC). The scope includes ACs with a capacity up to 100.000 btu/h (single, split type, and multi-split units).

August 2023 - February 2026
ClimateWorks Foundation Transportation Program

The Transportation Program advances a sustainable, affordable, and low-carbon mobility system. The program includes aviation, road transportation, and marine shipping initiatives. A total grant of $62.5 million was awarded to low emission mobility projects. Through the Transportation Program, funding has been extended to organizations like Green ID in Vietnam, the World Resources Institute, and C40 Cities to facilitate the implementation of initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation solutions in Southeast Asia.

January 2022 - December 2025
Global Energy Transition Initiative

The Global Energy Transition initiative supports efforts to rapidly transform the global power sector toward clean energy, beginning with 10 emerging economies across Africa, Asia, and South America. These are countries where power demand is projected to rapidly grow and there is huge potential for solar, wind, and other renewable energy deployment in this decade. The initiative also supports efforts in Japan, Australia, and South Korea to accelerate the coal to clean energy transition, reduce emissions, and achieve a 1.5-degree pathway. The benefits of a transition to clean energy go far beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. It creates jobs, builds local manufacturing value chains, improves infrastructure, protects public health by keeping pollutants out of the air, and provides affordable and accessible power. By shifting to clean energy, developing nations can secure a resilient and thriving future.

January 2022 - December 2026