

Component 1: Power Transition Progress Tool

The power transition progress tool measures the progress of the energy transition in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam along a number of indicators. It builds on the archetype, where from a status quo ("The climate performance, security of supply and affordability of the CASE power sectors could be improved."), relevant challenges ("technical, economic, political, social and institutional) are tackled towards a joint vision ("In all CASE countries, a clean, secure and affordable power system is operated.")

  1. Statistics and up-to-date data on the ET
  2. Data on energy markets
  3. Data on investment trends
  4. Date on climate policy
  5. Data on host country progress related to international commitments.
  6. Data on cross-border power connectivity, including number and size of power lines, level of power trading, etc.

Component 2: Project Mapping Tool

The Project Mapping Tool is viewable to all SIPET Users, but Users do only have access to a limited set of high-level data for each project (e.g., name, dates, sector and technologies, deion, beneficiaries and expected outcomes and impacts, etc.)

  1. View active and (and potentially upcoming planned) projects implemented by General Members and Donor Community Members.
  2. View by Donor, Sector/Technology, Dates
  3. Project details, including
    1.   Name of donor(s)
    2.   Political partners
    3.   Implementing partners
    4.   Project dates
    5.   Implementing, political partners, project duration)
  4.  Contact details for Donors and for Projects

    What is a Project?

  1. A project is any program or initiative that is actively working to support, accelerate, and build capacity for the Energy Transition in  Southeast Asia.
  2. This can include programs, initiatives, and campaigns supported and/or operated by donors, corporates, NGOs, etc.
  3. NOT A PROJECT: A power-generating facility or commercially operating business that generates clean energy is not a project that would be covered by SIPET’s project database.

Component 3: Knowledge Hub

  1. SIPET General and Donor Community Members can:
    1.  Upload a resource (report, video, PPT, case study, databases, etc.)
    2.  Create a conversation thread related to a resource (viewable to all Users, but only Members can create a thread or contribute to a thread of chats)
  2.  SIPET Users (and all Members) are able to;
    1.   View all knowledge resources

Component 4: Event Promotion

  1. SIPET General and Donor Community Members can:
    1. Create and post an event on SIPET, with registration embedded in the site
    2. Create a conversation thread under the events (viewable to all Users, but only Members can create a thread or contribute to a thread of chats)
  2. SIPET Users (and all Members) will can:
    1. View all upcoming events (and recent events)
    2. View all upcoming events in Calendar format, which includes ASEAN events and ASEAN holidays
    3. Filter and view events by date, sector/technology area, etc.
    4. Register directly for event on SIPET
    5. Post a livestream links to attendees

Component 5: News and Updates

  1. List of trending topics
  2. News feed (uploaded by Members and also from a web-crawling algorithm)
  3. Regular SIPET updates
  4. News on success stories (most to least votes).
  5. Members can personalize their news feed by:
    1. Following hashtags or topics
    2. Tag or mention people/other users in any content
    3. Automated media links for sharing to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc

There are three specific user-groups in SIPET. They are described below in order of increasing level of access.

  1. SIPET User:
    1. We note that simple users of SIPET, who browse the site, will be able to read, download, and share information from the SIPET site with others, but they will not be able to enter or upload information. (This is the main difference between a SIPET user and a SIPET member.)
  2. General SIPET Member:
    1. A General  SIPET member is an organization, or individual who will actively participate in, and contribute content to, the SIPET platform.
    2. The guiding philosophy for SIPET membership has two elements:
      1. First, General SIPET membership base should be quite broad, and in principle include any stakeholder actively working on issues related to the Energy Transition, in order to have a large potential pool of dynamic users and collaborators for SIPET.
      2. Second, General SIPET membership can apply directly for membership, or be referred by existing SIPET members, with membership approved by SIPET Platform Manager.  It should be relatively easy to become a SIPET member, as we want to have a broad arrange of views and inputs. At the same time, we want to make sure that SIPET members are actively aligned with ET activities in the region and will contribute and provide input/comments on content that is relevant and additive to ET discussions around accelerating investment, action, and impact.
  3. SIPET Donor Community Member:
    1. A Donor Community Member is an organization such as a donor (program) or a development partner implementing donor programs.
    2. SIPET Donor community membership shall be based on CASE- and ETP-approval only.
    3. These members only shall have access to an "Internal Dashboard for Donor Community Members".

The Donor Community Membership function is intended to minimize information gaps among active donors on the ET in Southeast Asia. By providing access to a portal where all donors and development partners are active, SIPET can help reduce the overlap and thereby enhance the alignment of annual planning/operational planning, activities implementation, while promoting timely and effective communication. Eventually, SIPET aims to help support pipeline development, facilitate synergies, limit duplication, learn from and share difficulties etc.

Broadly speaking, SIPET Donor Community Members will gain the following benefits:

  • To be part of the community of actors working to accelerate the clean energy transition in Southeast Asia;
  • To identify early risk of duplication, and potential complementarities or follow up with an existing or planned intervention;
  • To learn from past experience.

The design of SIPET is being informed by an extensive survey of donors and development stakeholders active in Southeast Asia, which carried out during Q2 and Q3 2021. The proposed functionalities of the SIPET Donor Community Membership Area are based largely on feedback from this survey.

Besides access to the components outlined above, Donor Community Members would also have access to:

Internal Dashboard for Donor Community Members (Donor Member Only)

  1. List of all Donor Community Members, with ability to direct message (chat) and/or access contact details.
  2. Donor Database, including
    1. Donor strategic priorities and plans (for each donor)
    2. Donor projects (multiple projects for each donor), with detailed data fields, such as:
      1. Name and location of project
      2. Location(s) of project
      3. List of co-funders
      4. List of political partners
      5. Dates of project implementation
      6. Amount of funding
      7. Sector(s) covered
      8. Technology(ies) types of energy covered
      9. Deion of main project tasks
      10. Expected beneficiaries, outcomes and impacts
  3. View both active and upcoming Donor projects
  4. Donor-funded research, diagnostic reports (resources)
  5. Donor events