Component 1: Power Transition Progress Tool
The power transition progress tool measures the progress of the energy transition in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam along a number of indicators. It builds on the archetype, where from a status quo ("The climate performance, security of supply and affordability of the CASE power sectors could be improved."), relevant challenges ("technical, economic, political, social and institutional) are tackled towards a joint vision ("In all CASE countries, a clean, secure and affordable power system is operated.")
- Statistics and up-to-date data on the ET
- Data on energy markets
- Data on investment trends
- Date on climate policy
- Data on host country progress related to international commitments.
- Data on cross-border power connectivity, including number and size of power lines, level of power trading, etc.
Component 2: Project Mapping Tool
The Project Mapping Tool is viewable to all SIPET Users, but Users do only have access to a limited set of high-level data for each project (e.g., name, dates, sector and technologies, deion, beneficiaries and expected outcomes and impacts, etc.)
- View active and (and potentially upcoming planned) projects implemented by General Members and Donor Community Members.
- View by Donor, Sector/Technology, Dates
- Project details, including
- Name of donor(s)
- Political partners
- Implementing partners
- Project dates
- Implementing, political partners, project duration)
- Contact details for Donors and for Projects
What is a Project?
- A project is any program or initiative that is actively working to support, accelerate, and build capacity for the Energy Transition in Southeast Asia.
- This can include programs, initiatives, and campaigns supported and/or operated by donors, corporates, NGOs, etc.
- NOT A PROJECT: A power-generating facility or commercially operating business that generates clean energy is not a project that would be covered by SIPET’s project database.
Component 3: Knowledge Hub
- SIPET General and Donor Community Members can:
- Upload a resource (report, video, PPT, case study, databases, etc.)
- Create a conversation thread related to a resource (viewable to all Users, but only Members can create a thread or contribute to a thread of chats)
- SIPET Users (and all Members) are able to;
- View all knowledge resources
Component 4: Event Promotion
- SIPET General and Donor Community Members can:
- Create and post an event on SIPET, with registration embedded in the site
- Create a conversation thread under the events (viewable to all Users, but only Members can create a thread or contribute to a thread of chats)
- SIPET Users (and all Members) will can:
- View all upcoming events (and recent events)
- View all upcoming events in Calendar format, which includes ASEAN events and ASEAN holidays
- Filter and view events by date, sector/technology area, etc.
- Register directly for event on SIPET
- Post a livestream links to attendees
Component 5: News and Updates
- List of trending topics
- News feed (uploaded by Members and also from a web-crawling algorithm)
- Regular SIPET updates
- News on success stories (most to least votes).
- Members can personalize their news feed by:
- Following hashtags or topics
- Tag or mention people/other users in any content
- Automated media links for sharing to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc