Data-Driven Energy Transition: SIPET Launches Power Sector Data Browser and Snapshots

27 Mar 2023
Data-Driven Energy Transition: SIPET Launches Power Sector Data Browser and Snapshots

Authors: SIPET Community Team
Authoring Organisations: Asia Clean Energy Partners

The Southeast Asia Information Platform for Energy Transition (SIPET) recently launched its Power Sector Data Browser and Power Sector Snapshots during a webinar on March 10, 2023. The “Data-driven Energy Transition” event aimed to introduce the platform to energy transition professionals in Southeast Asia and highlight its key features.

SIPET aims to provide comprehensive and accurate data on Southeast Asia’s power sector, which is essential for developing sustainable and efficient energy systems. The event featured Sascha Oppowa, Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) Project Director, who updated participants on SIPET since its launch in September 2022. Jephraim Manansala, Chief Data Scientist at Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), stressed the importance of data and information for driving the energy transition.

Samart Kumar, program manager at Agora Energiewende, and Judit Hecke, climate policy analyst at NewClimate Institute, introduced SIPET’s Power Sector Data Browser and complementary Power Sector Snapshots. Samart explained the database-building process, which used primary data sources from ministries, governments, utilities, and generation companies. Judit provided a virtual walkthrough of the Data Browser and Snapshots.

Moderated by CASE Project Advisor Warisa Sihirunwong, two energy experts shared their use of the resources. Ngoan Nghiem Thi, energy advisor at GIZ Vietnam, found the data browser’s validated data sets and visualization helpful in conveying information to colleagues and government partners. Dr. Siripha Junlakarn, a researcher at the Energy Research Institute  (ERI) at Chulalongkorn University, praised the database’s standardized approach to data, which increased data conformity and enabled efficient comparative analysis.

The webinar was recorded and can be found on SIPET’s Knowledge Hub.