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Showing 1-6 of 6 Export Projects export Click here to download the selected projects in excel format. You may adapt the selection by applying the filters on the left. Show Sort by

Thai-German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate (TGC EMC)

Key actors in Thailand become empowered in the planning and implementation of transformative activities in the energy, transport and industry sectors in line with the Government’s 2050 carbon neutrality objective.

January 2023 - December 2027
Thai-German Energy Dialogue (TGED)

In a collaborative approach, decarbonization is being driven forward in the partner countries and Germany as well as strengthen the energy supply.

January 2022 - December 2024
International Hydrogen Ramp-Up Programme (H2Uppp)

H2Uppp promotes green H2/ PtX projects in developing and emerging (ODA) countries with the main objective to further develop markets for green H2/ PtX technologies through on-site cooperation. With the expertise from German and European companies, the programme will provide market expertise for green H2 in relevant sectors, mobilising company networks, provision of know-how for market exploration and market entry. The overall goal of the project is to support the development of H2/ PtX markets, strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of the private sector in related industries and to enable knowledge transfer around green H2/ PtX to private and public sector stakeholders in the region.

January 2022 - December 2026
Green Cooling Initiatives III

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of public and private actors for the green cooling approach and thereby support the transformation towards climate-friendly technologies in their countries and globally.

August 2021 - December 2024
Thai-German Climate Programme: TGCP

In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Thailand committed to reducing 20-25% of emissions from the energy, transport, waste and industry sectors by 2030 below business as usual


Main activities under TGCP-Energy are:

  • Conduct studies and develop policy recommendation papers on GHG mitigation-related topics (e.g. Renewable Energy Forecast, Electrification system for remote areas or islands in Thailand, MRV system for energy sector etc.), and provincial energy data management roadmap.
  • Design and develop innovative tools to assist the energy planning process, namely energy system modeling and the integrated energy planning platform.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Energy’s staff in renewable energy, emerging energy technologies, climate change and effective energy planning process.
  • Develop provincial energy scenarios for Thai pilot provinces to support their planning process.
  • Support the implementation of project / activities under the provincial energy action plan in the pilot provinces.
  • Transfer knowledge and build up capacity of Thai institutions in the development of provincial energy scenarios.


January 2018 - December 2021
Thailand Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (RAC NAMA)

RAC NAMA supports producers in bringing to the market new climate-friendly and energy efficient cooling products that comply with regulations in Thailand. Producers will receive technical support in the product design and financial support for investment in the setting up of production lines. The project supports training programmes for service staff and technicians to prepare for different safety challenges. The project offers support to responsible ministries and agencies to define safety standards and building code in line with international best practices. Technology Adoption The project demonstrates best practices of energy performance standards, labels and other incentive schemes. The project further works with commercial end-users such as supermarket chains and hotels, to develop projects that reduce energy consumption in the RAC sector

April 2016 - March 2021