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Indonesia Renewable Energy Development and Support Program - Subprogram 1

Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Program design. SIEP is closely aligned with the government's National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), 2015-2019, the goals of which include (i) expanding electricity access to all Indonesians and increasing per capita consumption from 843 kilowatt-hours to 1,200 kilowatt-hours per year as key goals; (ii) bolstering domestic energy security through expanded production of gas, improved security for downstream oil and oil products, and increased utilization of renewable energy; and (iii) scaling up energy efficiency. 

January 2015 - December 2015
New Zealand- Maluku Access To Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES)

NZMATES is here to support the development of a vibrant renewable energy sector in Maluku. In partnership with the Indonesian government (EBTKE and PLN) NZMATES will help deliver long-lasting, reliable, and affordable renewable energy project to the people of Maluku Province.

NZMATES activities include carrying out field surveys, resources and techno-economic assessments, delivery model development, participatory community engagement, leveraging funds, capacity building and forging partnerships to kick-start the uptake of renewables.

January 2022 - December 2025