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Thai-German Climate Programme: TGCP

In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Thailand committed to reducing 20-25% of emissions from the energy, transport, waste and industry sectors by 2030 below business as usual


Main activities under TGCP-Energy are:

  • Conduct studies and develop policy recommendation papers on GHG mitigation-related topics (e.g. Renewable Energy Forecast, Electrification system for remote areas or islands in Thailand, MRV system for energy sector etc.), and provincial energy data management roadmap.
  • Design and develop innovative tools to assist the energy planning process, namely energy system modeling and the integrated energy planning platform.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Energy’s staff in renewable energy, emerging energy technologies, climate change and effective energy planning process.
  • Develop provincial energy scenarios for Thai pilot provinces to support their planning process.
  • Support the implementation of project / activities under the provincial energy action plan in the pilot provinces.
  • Transfer knowledge and build up capacity of Thai institutions in the development of provincial energy scenarios.


January 2018 - December 2021