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Inform the output on guidelines for the procurement of ancillary service (AS) based experiences from other countries.
Overall objective: To promote sustainable agri-food processing and contribute to enhancing waste management in Vietnam by facilitating the adoption of Continuous Biomass Gasification Technology (CBGT) as renewable energy among agri-MSEs
The Specific Objective of the Facility is to help the Government of Viet Nam and key stakeholders improve pre-conditions for universal energy access, utilize renewable energy and increase energy efficiency. In particular, the Facility will contribute to: - Enhancing governance of the energy sector to facilitate a shift to a more sustainable energy development in Viet Nam - Strengthening the regulatory framework to implement Vietnam’s commitment to reducing the energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, which is part of Vietnam’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
This grant, totaling $1 million, will aid the World Bank Group's Partnership Fund for the Sustainable Development Goals in its fourth call for proposals. The objective is to expedite low-carbon development by targeting the most emissions-intensive sectors in China, Africa, and Southeast Asia, including energy, manufacturing, transport, agriculture, land
The Da Nang Department of Industry and Trade has initiated this program to promote energy efficiency and conservation in the city. It involves raising awareness, providing training, and offering financial incentives for businesses and households to adopt energy-efficient practices and technologies.
Implemented by Danang Energy Efficiency Centre (DECC), the project is to contribute to increase accessibility to clean energy souce in Da Nang on sustainable development basis.
To foster RE&EE development in Vietnam through building civil society and local champions for improving energy access and living conditions of Vietnamese citizens. The specific objectives are: 1. To transfer knowledge on important issues related to RE&EE into civil society and local organisations in Vietnam; 2. To communicate with Vietnam society, the importance of renewable energies and energy efficiency via civil society organisations and media; 3. To develop hands-on examples of RE&EE solutions for local people to apply in their daily life; 4. To increase energy efficiency in schools through changing their routines, attitudes and behaviour
The programme aims at supporting the Government of Vietnam (GoV) to implement its targeted programme on electricity supply to rural, mountainous and island areas over the 2013 – 2020 period.
The project entails construction, operation and maintenance of a 275 megawatt (MW) combined-cycle gas-fired power plant (CCGT), located in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City Regency, Riau Province in the central part of Sumatra, and including a gas pipeline of approximately 40 km, a transmission line of approximately 750 m, and associated facilities.