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Bilateral climate, energy and hydrogen partnerships, and energy dialogues are the central instruments of the foreign energy policy of BMWK. They form a global, steadily growing and valuable network between Germany and countries that are seeking to transform their energy systems, facilitate energy policy exchange at government level, provide momentum for innovations and economic cooperation on the path to a global energy transition.
In a collaborative approach, decarbonization is being driven forward in the partner countries and Germany as well as strengthen the energy supply.
This project produces a report that identifies a set of minimum political, technical and institutional requirements that the ASEAN member states will need to meet in order to establish multilateral power trading in the region. Some of these minimum requirements can be met by building upon existing efforts in the region.
This joint research project on power grid interconnection has identified practical measures for substantially increasing the penetration of clean energy across the ASEAN countries. Its analysis provides a firm foundation for achieving regional energy interconnection, which also promotes sustainable transboundary power trade.
This regional technical assistance (RETA) is designed to support the continuous work of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee, the Working Group on Performance Standard and Grid Code, the Working Group on Regulatory Issues, and eventually the Regional Power Coordination Center in laying the essential building blocks to facilitate GMS regional power trade.
The Project will establish a 500 kV power transmission line between Lao PDR and Viet Nam forming an essential link of the GMS power grid.
AIMS III seeks to address: rapid changes in the economic landscape and electricity supply; renewable energy integration (including the ASEAN RE target of 23% of the energy mix by 2025); benefits and challenges of higher variable renewable energy (VRE) integration; adoption of new emerging technologies; and the sustainability and advancement of multilateral power trade.
HNEI GridSTART provided training to the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE), an intergovernmental organization within the ASEAN structure representing the AMS interests in the energy sector, on production cost analysis and use of the PLEXOS software tool to empower ACE personnel to more effectively carry out project management duties for the AIMS III study.
The ASEAN Infrastructure Fund (AIF) is a financing facility established by the ASEAN Infrastructure Financing Mechanism (AIFM) to support infrastructure development in the ASEAN region, including the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) initiative. Examples of funding to transmission lines projects that will be part of APG: 1. Indonesia: Java Bali Power Transmission (USD25 million) 2. Sumatra Power Transmission Improvement Project 3. the Brunei Darussalam–Indonesia–Malaysia–Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP–EAGA). 4. The Indonesia–Malaysia–Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT)
This project is part of the bigger Philippines Policy-based Loan Climate Change Program to support ERC in designing a regulatory framework to support a new and high-potential RE source in the Philippines to: · Assess cost recovery methodologies. · Suggest grid connection and reinforcement cost allocation. · Design grid connection and grid code standards
The project advice to update IRR and auction design, including detailed technical, social, and environmental assessments