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Support for Innovation and Technology Partnerships in Asia and the Pacific

HLT includes new and advanced technologies or innovative solutions that can reduce the life cycle cost of infrastructure, lower operation and maintenance cost, and increase durability. Modern and advanced equipment can improve efficiency and productivity, thereby saving resources. The adoption of innovative construction methods and technologies can minimize negative environmental and social impacts. Innovative approaches and a combination of different technologies can also improve the delivery of social services. The TA cluster will create a platform for novel engagement with technology providers to enable HLT adoptions in collaboration with DMC agencies. The TA cluster will build the capacity of DMC counterparts to design projects with HLT applications, understand the HLT market in specific sectors, assess HLT ecosystem readiness and leverage ADB's sector, thematic and DMC specific knowledge.

October 2018 - December 2022
Thai-German Climate Programme: TGCP

In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Thailand committed to reducing 20-25% of emissions from the energy, transport, waste and industry sectors by 2030 below business as usual


Main activities under TGCP-Energy are:

  • Conduct studies and develop policy recommendation papers on GHG mitigation-related topics (e.g. Renewable Energy Forecast, Electrification system for remote areas or islands in Thailand, MRV system for energy sector etc.), and provincial energy data management roadmap.
  • Design and develop innovative tools to assist the energy planning process, namely energy system modeling and the integrated energy planning platform.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Energy’s staff in renewable energy, emerging energy technologies, climate change and effective energy planning process.
  • Develop provincial energy scenarios for Thai pilot provinces to support their planning process.
  • Support the implementation of project / activities under the provincial energy action plan in the pilot provinces.
  • Transfer knowledge and build up capacity of Thai institutions in the development of provincial energy scenarios.


January 2018 - December 2021