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Smart and Energy Efficient City Project (SEECP) (Phase I)

Smart and Energy Efficient City Project (SEECP) (Phase I) is included in the country operations business plan 2020-2022 for Viet Nam. The project is aligned with the Viet Nam National Energy Efficient Program 3 (VNEEP 3 2019-2030), and has the following three outputs: (i) energy efficiency of streetlighting and public buildings increased in Can Tho, Da Nang, Ha Noi, and Hai Phong special administrative cities; and Quang Nam and Quang Ninh provinces in Viet Nam; (ii) policy and regulatory environment improved; and (iii) capacity strengthened and awareness increased of various stakeholders. The project has the following impacts: (i) national energy saving targets met, and (ii) national GHG emission reduced. The outcome will be fossil-fuel dependent energy consumption reduced in the six targeted cities and provinces.

January 2019 - December 2024