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This paper is an update of a 2017 publication written for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) in Viet Nam on a Socially Just Energy Transition in Viet Nam. This energy transition must deliver a large part of Viet Nam’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation, provide access to clean energy for all, and create opportunities for decent jobs and micro-businesses for the rural poor, women and ethnic minorities.
USAID SINAR builds upon the longstanding commitment and partnership between the U.S. Government and the Government of Indonesia in climate change mitigation in the energy sector. Through SINAR, USAID will help national and subnational governments, state-owned energy utilities, businesses, financial institutions (such as banks), universities, and other key players to :
Collectively, these efforts will help Indonesia meet its ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency targets while driving energy transformation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. USAID SINAR works at the national level, while simultaneously engaging local governments in selected provinces to align national and sub-national plans and programs.
The objectives of this study include to: a. gather, stocktake and compile previous studies and work with regards to the wind sector in Indonesia. b. determine a stepwise roadmap for the development of the wind sector in Indonesia. c. consolidate a selection of suitable sites with the highest potential for wind energy development (referring to the potential sites stated on PLN Electricity Business Plan/RUPTL and from the reference studies available, e.g. from MEMR, and other agencies). d. analyse the suitability and quality of selected sites for installation and long-term operation of a commercially viable wind power project e. identify and develop a comprehensive report listing potential financing sources to support the pilots and requirements to access such financing. f. inform improved policies and regulations and create a favourable business climate to attract investments
This project will assess the existing government plans guiding the energy transition, its challenges and opportunity, establish the streamlined approach to align the plans with climate commitment, providing related background studies on priority program, develop the communications strategy to build trust and consensus from the government and stakeholders, and prepare the mitigation measures to address the potential impediments of its implementation activities.The project will provide a comprehensive methodology to reviewing the current government plans (related to energy transition) and propose a streamlined approach. The work will be complemented by priority background studies and result in deliverables that can be applied by the GOI, as well as providing capacity building to ensure the sustainability of the outputs into the future.
The Energy Management System (EnMS) standard, ISO 50001, specifies the requirements for an organization to establish, implement, maintain, and improve an energy management system, enabling systematic achievement of continual improvement in energy performance, energy efficiency, and energy conservation. The Standard was adopted in Indonesia in 2012. In Systems Optimization (SO), the first point of entry in identifying energy efficiency options is to look at the system as a whole, rather than at the individual system components (such as motors, pumps, air compressor or boilers) separately. Since 2000, Indonesia transitioned from a robust energy exporter to an importing nation that, for the first time, is concerned with growing domestic demand, and rising cost of energy imports and production. National energy efficiency and conservation is an obligation under the 2007 Energy Law and has been affected through government regulation (2009) and presidential instruction (2011). Energy resources users and final energy users that use energy equivalent to or more than 6,000 ton of oil equivalent annually are obliged to implement energy conservation through energy management. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has also drafted a National Energy Conservation Plan and recently the Government, through its National Standardization Agency, adopted ISO 50001 as Indonesian national standard for energy management systems.
The project is ensuring sustainable access to modern energy for 228,000 people in rural areas, as well as 1,650 social institutions such as schools and health centres, and 2,350 rural businesses through the application of renewable energy technologies. It is also institutionalising the know-how and experiences to the local actors.