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Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings in Viet Nam

The objective of this project is to reduce intensity ofGHG emissions from the building sector in Vietnam, consisting of three componets
(i) Improvement and Enforcement of Energy Efficiency Building Code
(ii) Building Market Development Support initiative
(iii) Building Energy Efficiency Technology Application and  Replication

January 2016 - December 2019
Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP)

Through V-LEEP, USAID and the GVN work together to harmonize national strategies, laws, policies, and regulations in order to encourage the rapid deployment of cost-effective clean energy. One example of this work is V-LEEP’s efforts with Vietnam’s Central Economic Commission, where the team is assisting develop of a strategy to include clean energy as a fundamental building block for the nation’s energy security. V-LEEP is also working with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to help transform Vietnam’s power market through innovative policy approaches and modern data analysis.

V-LEEP is helping GVN to simplify regulatory procedures for renewable energy (RE) projects, as the country seeks to power its homes and businesses with its own abundant and clean natural resources (wind, solar, and biomass). The V-LEEP team works with project developers and financial institutions to collect and share information to facilitate the construction of RE generation projects and in doing so advance the national goal of expanding RE to ten percent of total generation by 2030. V-LEEP’s efforts also include collaborating with the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam to enable the use of Direct Power Purchase Agreements (DPPA), an internationally tested RE procurement mechanism. DPPA leverages the purchasing power of large corporations, corporate sustainability commitments, and foreign direct

October 2015 - December 2020
USAID Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP II)

USAID will help Vietnam continue its transition to a clean, secure and market-based energy sector by increasing the deployment of advanced energy systems, improving energy sector performance, and increasing competition in the energy sector.

October 2020 - December 2025
Programme for Energy Efficiency in Building (PEEB)

The Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) aims to transform the building sector by promoting sustainable building design and construction. PEEB combines financing for energy efficiency in large-scale projects with technical assistance through policy advice. Programme for Energy Efficiency in Building seeks to: - Transform the buildings sector by promoting sustainable building design and construction. - Lower the energy demand in buildings in a cost-effective manner and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum level - Leverage untapped social, ecological and economic benefits PEEB combines financing for energy efficiency in large-scale projects with technical assistance through policy advice and expertise for building sector professionals. Financing for large-scale projects or financial incentive programmes can boost market development and reinforce regulation. By setting ambitious conditions for projects, financing ensures that policy standards are applied or exceeded, and knowledge is put into practice, and serve as a door-opener for higher policy ambition in NDCs and strategies.

March 2017 - December 2022