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USAID Energy Secured Philippines (ESP)

1. Support to DOE, ERC, LGUs in implementation of EECA – online database development

2. Supporting ERC in amendment of advanced metering infrastructure rules

3. Supporting development and implementation of net metering rules for off-grid areas

January 2021 - December 2026
Support to Climate Change Commission II

The Climate Change Commission and other key stakeholders in the Philippines ensure the coherent implementation of climate change policy at national and sub-national levels, and contribute to the further development of the international climate change regime.

August 2015 - October 2022
USAID Energy Secure Philippines

Funded through the U.S. Government’s Asia Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy (EDGE) initiative, USAID’s Energy Secure Philippines (USAID ESP) Activity is a five-year project that will assist the government of the Philippines in promoting a more competitive power sector through investment mobilization, deployment of modern energy technology, and support in policy reforms and implementation by

  • helping electric utility companies to improve performance,
  • increasing the use of advanced energy sources and systems and fostering competition in the market, and
  • improving the overall energy procurement process

With this integrated approach, RTI will support the Government of the Philippines to increase energy sector stakeholder resilience through increased readiness and efficiency.

June 2021 - December 2026
ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme

It supports four broad types of activity: capacity building of government, institutions and business; policy reform of energy frameworks and standards; market development by strengthening connections between project developers and investors; raising awareness of available technologies to increase the uptake of energy efficient products and services; and partnership coordination and commercial ventures. All components of the programme aim to improve energy security and inclusive access to clean and reliable energy sources, with direct benefits for the most vulnerable populations, including women. The LCEP focuses on two topics – Green Finance (GF) and Energy Efficiency (EE). The Carbon Trust is leading the delivery of the EE component in five countries: Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

January 2018 - December 2022