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C4 aims to further pursue the international control of F-gases and improves the framework conditions for the use of energy-efficient RAC equipment and environmentally-friendly natural refrigerants and blowing agents.
Pre-feasibility study on accelerated coal power retirement in targeted DMCs completed.
Terms of reference and scope of full feasibility study for a pilot CRF prepared
This second edition of the ASEAN Renewable Energy Outlook was developed in collaboration with the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and the ASEAN Renewable Energy Sub-sector Network. It is guided by IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook and details a comprehensive pathway for the development of a sustainable and cleaner regional energy system. It explores the role of end-use sector electrification, expansion of renewable generation, energy efficiency solutions, emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, hydrogen and battery storage-systems, as well the importance of expanding regional power sector integration.
The Climate Change Commission and other key stakeholders in the Philippines ensure the coherent implementation of climate change policy at national and sub-national levels, and contribute to the further development of the international climate change regime.