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Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Air Conditioning Efficiency

The project aims to support Vietnam in its implementation of a national policy roadmap for air conditioners. Through the Lower Mekong Initiative and the ASEAN Standardization Harmonization Initiative for Efficiency (SHINE) program, this project will build on the existing ASEAN Regional Policy Roadmap and the Vietnam National Roadmap by assisting Vietnam in implementing higher minimum energy performance standards for air conditioning and encouraging enforcement of those standards.

January 2017 - December 2022
ASEAN-German Energy Programme (AGEP)

Jointly implemented by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and GIZ on behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), AGEP aims to support the ASEAN Member States in improving regional coordination for the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency towards sustainable energy for all.

January 2005 - June 2022
Southeast Asia Energy Sector Development, Investment Planning and Capacity Building Facility - Phase 2

The regional transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will support clean energy projects for 
(i) project feasibility and due diligence
(ii) capacity development and implementation support
(iii) cross-departmental green energy project pipeline development. 
For (i), the facility will conduct project preparation activities for the Grid Reinforcement Project with Additional Financing (Cambodia), Climate Change Policy Program (Philippines), and Power Grid Strengthening Project (Timor-Leste). 
For (ii), project implementation support will be provided for
Sustainable and Reliable Energy Access Program (Indonesia) and Sustainable Energy TransitionDAMRI E-bus Project (Indonesia). For (iii), the TA facility will develop a pipeline of green energy projects for investment under the One-ADB framework, involving collaboration among the Energy
Division (SEEN) and the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division of the Southeast Asia Department, Office of Public-Private
Partnership (OPPP), and Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD)

January 2018 - December 2023
ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme

It supports four broad types of activity: capacity building of government, institutions and business; policy reform of energy frameworks and standards; market development by strengthening connections between project developers and investors; raising awareness of available technologies to increase the uptake of energy efficient products and services; and partnership coordination and commercial ventures. All components of the programme aim to improve energy security and inclusive access to clean and reliable energy sources, with direct benefits for the most vulnerable populations, including women. The LCEP focuses on two topics – Green Finance (GF) and Energy Efficiency (EE). The Carbon Trust is leading the delivery of the EE component in five countries: Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

January 2018 - December 2022