Showing 1-8 of 8 Export Projects Click here to download the selected projects in excel format. You may adapt the selection by applying the filters on the left. Show 10 25 50 100 Sort by
The energy component of the project aims to enhance capacities of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in integrating energy management solutions for energy reduction as guided by the Climate Smart Industry Roadmap that will be developed with the Department of Trade and Industry. The project will also support key actors in the transport sector for emission reductions.
Bilateral climate, energy and hydrogen partnerships, and energy dialogues are the central instruments of the foreign energy policy of BMWK. They form a global, steadily growing and valuable network between Germany and countries that are seeking to transform their energy systems, facilitate energy policy exchange at government level, provide momentum for innovations and economic cooperation on the path to a global energy transition.
In a collaborative approach, decarbonization is being driven forward in the partner countries and Germany as well as strengthen the energy supply.
Key actors in Thailand become empowered in the planning and implementation of transformative activities in the energy, transport and industry sectors in line with the Government’s 2050 carbon neutrality objective.
Buildings and space cooling is the main driver for the growing future electricity demand and rising GHG emissions in Asia. The project addresses regulatory, capacity and financing gaps that prevent large scale adoption of low carbon buildings. The project will develop technical and institutional capacity for city/state governments. To transform existing and new buildings towards carbon neutrality by 2050, the project will focus on enhancing capacity to achieve regional and national ambition and targets for low carbon buildings, with policy recommendations. It will establish common metrics (taxonomy/MRV system) and central registry for certified buildings. Through building certification and business model innovation, the project will try to mobilize public and private finance. To raise awareness and promote replication locally and globally, the project will share best practises and showcase successes.
The project IKI JET aims at supporting and accelerating just energy transitions (JET) away from coal to renewable energy and other sustainable economic activities in the Global South, contributing to a reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
Capacities of coal regions in the global south to develop and implement JET plans are strengthened through policy dialogues, peer to peer learning and targeted support.
CASE aims to drive change in the power sector in SEA towards increased ambitions with regards to climate change. It is a regional program that focuses on four countries: Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam which represent around 80% of the total energy share in SEA. Therefore, the energy development of those countries will have a major impact on the ability of the region to meet its goals.