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ClimateWorks Foundation Transportation Program

The Transportation Program advances a sustainable, affordable, and low-carbon mobility system. The program includes aviation, road transportation, and marine shipping initiatives. A total grant of $62.5 million was awarded to low emission mobility projects. Through the Transportation Program, funding has been extended to organizations like Green ID in Vietnam, the World Resources Institute, and C40 Cities to facilitate the implementation of initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation solutions in Southeast Asia.

January 2022 - December 2025
Tara Renewal

A $30 million grant has been allocated to bolster regional investment structures (ETP, Tara & CEF) and empower the local climate community in the region to expedite the transition to clean energy through a strategy centered on local engagement.

January 2022 - December 2026
Expanded Southeast Asia Renewables

CIFF will be leveraging its strengths, and working with governments and global philanthropies to maximise our collective impact, building on and extending existing partnerships across the region. This innovative partnership will allow for coordinated support and faster action, and is intended to encourage other governments and philanthropies to join. At present, the global philanthropies involved include CIFF, Bloomberg Philanthropies, ClimateWorks Foundation, the European Climate Foundation, Growald Family Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, IKEA Foundation, OIF and the Sea Change Foundation

January 2018 - December 2019
International Forum of Energy

CIFF has committed a total grant of $12.2 million to bolster essential local civil society organizations in Southeast Asia. These organizations focus on overcoming technical, regulatory, political, and cultural barriers to clean energy deployment. Additionally, the grant supports Indonesia and Vietnam by offering targeted technical assistance to their governments and key power sector institutions, helping them integrate more clean energy into their national grids.

January 2017 - December 2022
Supporting the Energy Transition

A $24.3 million grant is dedicated to facilitating the energy transition in Southeast Asia. This includes providing targeted technical assistance to governments and key power sector institutions and lending support to emerging local civil society organizations.

January 2017 - December 2025