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Traction Energy Asia

Traction Energy Asia is working to bring environmentally informed foreign direct investments (FDI) to support Indonesia’s transition to clean energy and low-carbon growth. Through research, advocacy, and multilateral engagement in Indonesia, this project will enable Traction Energy to influence key government stakeholders to acknowledge the negative emissions and socioeconomic impacts of China’s FDI in the country and recognize how China’s investment and know-how could help accelerate Indonesia’s transition to clean energy and low-carbon growth. If successful, within three to five years the government of Indonesia will have developed a regulatory framework and financial and fiscal incentives that enable and attract China’s investment in projects and initiatives that support Indonesia's energy transition. Based on its experiences, the Indonesian government can also take the lead in ASEAN, especially when it chairs the regional forum in 2023. The Hewlett Foundation has provided Traction Energy Asia a funding amount of $253,985. 

January 2023 - December 2024