Showing 1-10 of 18 Export Projects Click here to download the selected projects in excel format. You may adapt the selection by applying the filters on the left. Show 10 25 50 100 Sort by
The roll out of climate-neutral cold chains contributes to the national climate friendly economic transformation of Indonesia
Indonesia is established as an actor in international cooperation on decentralized renewable energy systems
Key actors in Thailand become empowered in the planning and implementation of transformative activities in the energy, transport and industry sectors in line with the Government’s 2050 carbon neutrality objective.
The TEV project aims to foster the development of a long-term political energy transition strategy, including legal and regulatory fundamentals, and the transfer of technological knowledge for a low-carbon, environmentally friendly energy transition.
This paper is an update of a 2017 publication written for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) in Viet Nam on a Socially Just Energy Transition in Viet Nam. This energy transition must deliver a large part of Viet Nam’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation, provide access to clean energy for all, and create opportunities for decent jobs and micro-businesses for the rural poor, women and ethnic minorities.
The project aims to institutionalise knowledge on off-grid electrification using renewable energy in Indonesia.
The main objective of ISED II is to improve the preconditions for green employment in the energy sector.
The Commercial and Industrial Rooftop Solar Project aims to improve the preconditions for a sustainable development of the market. Its focuses are the adaptation of relevant regulatory and technical regulations, the development of key stakeholder capacities and the improvement of EVN’s information base.
The C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) addresses this gap between cities and finance by providing support to cities in developing and emerging economies to develop finance-ready projects. The CFF supports cities to develop financially sound business proposals for projects that they have identified as priorities and ensures that city administrations retain skills and structures to enable cities to prepare a pipeline of low carbon and climate resilient infrastructure projects.
Support Achievement of 23% RE goal by 2025 in Indonesia