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SEACEF is a capital facility established to provide catalytic capital and development support to early-stage clean energy projects and businesses in a market-responsive manner in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. SEACEF was incubated through generous support of the European Climate Foundation. To date, SEACEF has invested in one regional project (Skye Renewables), 3 projects in Indonesia (Synergy Efficiency Solutions, Oyika, Xurya), 1 project in the Philippines (Real Wind Energy Inc., 4 projects in Vietnam (Blueleaf Energy, Eboost, Stride, Levanta Renewables).
IFE initiative supports organisations in Southeast and East Asia to rapidly transform the power system of this key region. By supporting technical assistance to governments, building up technical capacity in key institutions in relevant locations and supporting civil society groups, as well as working alongside international and regional financial institutions, IFE can help bring the price of renewables to levels competitive with more polluting generation more quickly and thus help realise a systematic decarbonisation strategy for the region. In its first year IFE supported technical assistance by the U.S. National Renewable Energy Lab and the Danish Energy Agency to support the Vietnamese government in energy systems planning and renewables integration. IFE also supported the expansion of two regional expert hubs in Vietnam and Indonesia, CleanED, based at the University of Science and Technology in Hanoi, Vietnam, and the Institute for Essential Services Reform, in Jakarta, Indonesia.