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Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency through System Optimization and Energy Management Standards in Indonesia

The Energy Management System (EnMS) standard, ISO 50001, specifies the requirements for an organization to establish, implement, maintain, and improve an energy management system, enabling systematic achievement of continual improvement in energy performance, energy efficiency, and energy conservation. The Standard was adopted in Indonesia in 2012. In Systems Optimization (SO), the first point of entry in identifying energy efficiency options is to look at the system as a whole, rather than at the individual system components (such as motors, pumps, air compressor or boilers) separately. Since 2000, Indonesia transitioned from a robust energy exporter to an importing nation that, for the first time, is concerned with growing domestic demand, and rising cost of energy imports and production. National energy efficiency and conservation is an obligation under the 2007 Energy Law and has been affected through government regulation (2009) and presidential instruction (2011). Energy resources users and final energy users that use energy equivalent to or more than 6,000 ton of oil equivalent annually are obliged to implement energy conservation through energy management. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has also drafted a National Energy Conservation Plan and recently the Government, through its National Standardization Agency, adopted ISO 50001 as Indonesian national standard for energy management systems.


January 2012 - December 2017