Diagnostic Study on Net-Zero for The Energy Sector in Vietnam

06 Sep 2023
Diagnostic Study on Net-Zero for The Energy Sector in Vietnam

Authors: ETP
Authoring Organisation: ETP - Energy Transition Partnership
Posted At: 03-2023

The project is a part of ETP's program, in collaboration with the Department of Oil, Gas, and Coal, Ministry of Industry and Trade, to support the transition of the coal, gas, and oil sectors in Vietnam towards a clean energy future while prioritizing people's well-being. The project aims to identify technical, social, and policy challenges to transition towards renewable energy and produce practical roadmaps to address them. Additionally, the project intends to devise strategies to repurpose coal assets effectively and develop comprehensive social protection packages to support affected workers and communities for social stability in Vietnam. The project aligns with Vietnam's National Energy Master Plan and its commitments to the Paris Agreement.


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