Transitioning away from coal in Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines with IESR and ICSC

04 Mar 2024
Transitioning away from coal in Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines with IESR and ICSC

Authors: Mentari P., Dimitri P., Thipyapa C.
Authoring Organisation: Agora Energiewende,IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform,ICSC - Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities
Posted At: 11-2023

Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts but also still heavily reliant on coal. The three countries have made important policy commitments to accelerating the shift from coal to clean energy in recent years. These commitments play a positive role in global efforts to limit climate change. However, all three countries lack concrete policy instruments to phase out coal.

The task is daunting, as the structural changes to transition away from coal represent significant
economic and societal challenges.

The international community has committed to financially supporting the transition efforts in the region through the so-called Energy Transition Mechanism and the Just Energy Transition Partnership. These commitments are an initial step toward accelerating financial assistance, technology transfer, and capacity building.

To guide policy decisions, Agora Energiewende, the Institute for Essential Services Reform and the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities have examined the political, economic and social dynamics that influence coal use in Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. This publication aims to contribute to filling certain gaps that exist in the evidence base of the clean energy transition to support the development of strategies and mechanisms to phase out coal in a just and speedy manner.

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