Walking the tightrope of Indonesia's energy transition Boosting jobs or leaving coal communities beh

14 Nov 2023
Walking the tightrope of Indonesia's energy transition Boosting jobs or leaving coal communities beh

Authors: Lotta Hambrecht, Reena Skribbe, Harry Fearnehough
Authoring Organisation: IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform,NCI - NewClimate Institute
Posted At: 11-2023

As the Government of Indonesia prepares to publicly launch its first iteration of plans to deliver on the goals of the Just Energy Transition Partnership it announced one year ago, we take a look at implications for the workers and communities that currently depend on its large and growing coal sector. The ‘Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan’, or CIPP (a draft of which is open for public consultation), will set out a transition pathway towards a cleaner power sector to drive Indonesia’s economic development in the coming decades. It needs to offer both concrete policies as well as financial support packages to ensure that justice – particularly for those employed in the coal sector and their dependents – sits at the heart of the transition.

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