Toward an Affordable and Reliable Grid with Energy Transition

01 Feb 2023
Toward an Affordable and Reliable Grid with Energy Transition

Authors: ICSC
Authoring Organisation: ICSC - Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities
Posted At: 12-2021

This work compiles and analyzes energy data from various institutions of the Philippine energy sector and other research findings to determine the reliability and viability of coal and variable renewable energy (vRE) sources in from year to year. 

The findings show that the Philippines no longer needs additional baseload coal, a power source that has proved to be unreliable in overcapacity and incompatible with the country’s power system.Additional flexibility in the baseload can be provided by using variable renewable energy sources, which are highly available, predictable, and can be maximized with the appropriate system design and policies. 

The TARGET report is authored and published by the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), led by the team of Jephraim Manansala and Marion Lois Tan.